my heart

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Li ming is excited to go back to Thailand after 5 years residing in New York, USA. Thailand had a lot of bittersweet memories, and during his time in New York, he tried to forget about the memories that made his heart ache, the ones that made him cry himself to sleep.

Yet how can he ever forget about the boy with fluffy hair, bunny teeth, and beautiful brown boba eyes? The boy who made his heart skip a beat and smile. It took him five years to get over Heart, and he isn't even sure if he is over him. He has managed to date a few guys through the years, but he can't really say he has fallen in love with any of them. None of them could compare to Heart.

So here he was back in Pattaya at his uncle's new chicken rice restaurant. Pattaya was pretty much still the same. There was new infrastructure here and there, but everything else pretty much stayed the same. It was good, though, the familiarity of it all.

"Li ming! Ouii! How long has it been?" Before Li ming could react, Leng launched himself onto him into a bone crushing hug.

"P'Leng!" Li ming greeted.

"How long have you been back? Why didn't Uncle Jim tell me you are back?" Leng asked after he broke the hug.

"That’s because he doesn't know. I just came back." Li ming said, pointing to his luggage.

"Ooooh! He is going to be very happy to see you. Let me help you." Leng said, grabbing Li ming's luggage before he could even protest to it.

Leng updated Li ming about pretty much everything that has happened for the past 5 years Li ming had been away. Apparently, Gaipa got married to Alan, and they have dinner at least once a week with Wen and Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim and Wen are engaged, Li ming already knew that already, though. That was one of the reasons he came back.

Li ming was listening attentively, enjoying being in the presence of Leng again. That was until Leng said something that made Li ming stop in his tracks, literally.

"Li ming?" Leng asked when he noticed Li ming abruptly stop walking.

"Heart? What do you mean Heart is back?" Li ming asked, his voice coming out as broken and low.

"Oh yeah! He has been back for four years now. He is doing his 4th year in Chula, I think, computer engineering sciences." Leng answered.

Li ming couldn't process the rest of what Leng was saying. Heart had been back in Thailand for four years, and no one bothered to let him know, not Wen or even his uncle Jim. They knew and said nothing. Li ming felt betrayed.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Li ming asked, he tried to remain calm. Over the years, he had worked on his temper and anger outbursts.

"Huh?" Leng furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that Heart was back?" Li ming asked again.

"Oh. I thought Uncle Jim told you. Shit Li ming I shouldn't have said anything. You know what, forget I said anything at all. You know I talk too much for my own good." Leng said, sounding a bit panicked.

"P'Leng. I am just going to head home. I am too tired, so I am just going to sleep." Li ming said waving Leng off and grabbed his luggage from the older.

Li ming walked home thinking about the boy with fluffy hair, bunny teeth, and beautiful brown boba eyes. He wondered if Heart's eyes still sparkled, if his cheeks were still squishable, and if his smile was still as enchanting as it always was. Li ming wanted to see Heart again. He wanted to see that smile again. He wanted to see those eyes again.

Heart had broken up with him after his parents refused for him to join Li ming in America. Li ming was willing to give up going to America and staying with Heart, but then Heart broke up with him and disappeared. Li ming tried to get ahold of Heart, but it turned out the boy moved to Singapore, to one of his relatives or something like that. So with a broken heart, Li ming moved to America.

In the 5 years, Li ming never forgot about Heart. He learned sign language, both ASL and TSL. He lingered on social media looking for the boy, but it was like Heart disappeared from the face of the earth. He never thought he would see Heart again, let alone breathe the same air as him.

Before he could comprehend what he was doing, Li ming was standing outside Heart's house. His heart was pounding, and his eyes were stinging with tears. Would Heart welcome him? Would he smile at him and look at him with those shining bona brown eyes? Did Heart still love him like he did?

He debated himself about going in and demanding to see Heart like he did all those years ago. He would cause a scene until they let him see Heart, even if it was one last time. He would only leave if Heart told him he didn't love him anymore and he didn't want to see him anymore.

As he was about to leave, scolding himself for being irrational, he saw him. Heart had longer hair now. His smile was just as beautiful and enchanting as it was back then. He had grown into his cheeks, but Li ming could tell that they were still squishable. He couldn't move. He couldn't take his eyes away from the boy who owned his heart.

When their eyes met, it felt like time stopped, and all the air was sucked out of  his lungs.

"Li...ming." Heart said while signing.

"Heart." Li ming replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He loved hearing Heart's voice. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

"What are you doing here?" Heart signed, confusion evident on his face.

"I-I-" Heart couldn't form any words, he himself didn't know what he was doing there. All he knew was that Heart was back in Pattaya, and he needed to see him.

"Are you okay?" Heart signed, and Li ming nodded.

They stared at each other for a while in awkward silence. Li ming feared to move, even breath at a fear that should he make a sound Heart might disappear.

"I missed you." Li ming said softly. When he noticed Heart didn't disappear like his anxiety told him he would, he grew confident, and he signed, "I missed you."

Heart threw himself at him and hugged him tightly. "I...I missed you." Heart said, stuttering a bit. Li ming could feel his heart swell and his eyes shed tears he didn't know he was holding.

When the hug ended, Li ming immediately mourned the warmth of Heart's body heat.

"When did you come back?" Heart signed, a small smile creeping across his lips.

"Today." Li ming signed, he couldn't take his eyes off Heart's face. The boy looked beautiful, handsome but still beautiful.

"It's good to see you." Heart signed as he beamed at him, and Li ming was convinced his heart was going to explode.

They talked/signed sitting on the front steps of Heart's house. Li ming realised that Heart was confident in speaking again and was in a process of getting hearing aids, he loved hearing Heart's voice. It felt like old times, when they were just two 17 year old boys in love. They talked/signed for what felt like hours. Li ming didn't want any of it to stop, he didn't want to get away from his heart.

Unfortunately like everything, it had to come to an end. Heart's mother called him in for dinner, Heart did invite him to stay over but Li ming didn't want to intrude. Also Uncle Jim and Wen must be waiting for him at home.

"Li..ming." Heart hesitated a bit. "Can I see you again?" Heart signed.

"Yes!" Li ming said. "I would love to see you again." He signed.

With that being said Heart kissed his cheek and smiled at him, he looked beautiful like that. Li ming wanted to capture that image to be ingraved into his head and remain forever in his mind. 

That evening Li ming walked home with a smile on his face. There wasn't any dull ache in his chest, or the bitter taste of regret on his tongue. There was only contentment. Heart was here in Pattaya and wanted to see him again. Li ming was content.


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