XLIV. The Highway to Hell

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With a knowing look in her eyes, Madeleine approaches Sasha, understanding the weight of her sorrow. Their silent acknowledgment lingers briefly before they join forces, working in unison to dismantle the pews. Each blow they land on the wooden seats carries a mix of determination and shared sorrow, a silent tribute to the struggles they've endured and the loved ones they've lost along the way.

In another corner, Tyreese and Daryl collaborate, dismantling the piano piece by piece. The symphony of destruction echoes through the church as they work together, the former's strength matched by the latter's expertise, their combined efforts aimed at repurposing the piano's components for fortification or survival.

As the morning progresses, the solemnity of their task seems to bind them closer together. Madeleine and Sasha's rhythmic strikes against the seats become a testament to their unity, a display of shared grief and resolve. Their collaborative effort symbolizes a deeper understanding, a bond forged in the crucible of loss and the unspoken solidarity among survivors.

The atmosphere within the church is one of somber determination mixed with a sense of unity. Each strike of the hammer or pull of the wood brings a semblance of closure amidst the chaos they've faced.

Tyreese heaves a deep sigh, his hands methodically passing parts of the piano to Daryl. His gaze briefly wanders toward Sasha, whose relentless banging reverberates through the church, wreaking havoc on the seats. The cacophony of destruction echoes, a somber undertone to the otherwise quiet atmosphere within the church walls.

"It was... it was good you two weren't here for it," Tyreese murmurs, his voice carrying a weight of concern and sorrow.

Daryl acknowledges Tyreese's glance toward Sasha with a subtle tilt of his head. The resounding crashes from Sasha's relentless efforts draw his attention. "She hanging in there?" he inquires, his voice tinged with worry as he continues assembling the piano pieces handed to him.

Tyreese's head shakes solemnly in response. "No," he replies, a hint of despair lingering in his voice. He pauses, momentarily lowering his gaze before resuming his task of dismantling the piano.

The dissonant symphony of destruction continues as Sasha vents her anguish on the church pews, each strike a manifestation of her inner turmoil. The rhythm of her strikes becomes a haunting accompaniment to the poignant conversation between Tyreese and Daryl, an unspoken testament to the struggles they all face in the wake of their losses.

Daryl's brow furrows with concern, his hands deftly maneuvering the piano parts as he works alongside Tyreese. Despite the task at hand, his attention periodically shifts toward Madeleine, a silent display of his worry for her well-being amidst her relentless outburst.

Madeleine and Sasha continue their intense work, breaking down the dilapidated seats within the church. Their movements are methodical, yet the weight of unspoken thoughts hangs heavy between them. Madeleine, standing up from her task, takes a moment to observe Sasha's determined efforts.

Sasha, engrossed in her task of breaking the seats, catches Madeleine's intense gaze. She doesn't pause in her work but addresses Madeleine's unspoken sentiments. "I don't need you to say it."

Madeleine's response is straightforward, her tone unapologetic. "You know damn well I'm won't"

Sasha acknowledges the truth in Madeleine's words with a solemn nod, her focus still on the task at hand. "It happens, and I don't have time to grieve."

"True," Madeleine agrees, her voice softening a fraction as she studies Sasha. "But that doesn't mean it hurts any less."

Sasha looks down at the floor, her eyes betraying the pain she's trying to contain. "He didn't deserve it."

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now