Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

And then there's her eyes. Oh that I would give to have her look at me the way she looked at Mason. So much longing, wholehearted love, admiration and a hint of fear. Fear of loosing him. Then there's one more thing I wish to see more than anything. The spark. That's park that had me crazier for her. What a lovely prize it would be to be the restorer of that spark.

It seems I have been gazing a her fir far too long. She had been calling out to me several times but I was far too lost with the thought of her. With that, we headed onto the next ride. One ride after another until she was genuinely exhausted.

"One more!" I said as she sat on the bench refusing the move an inch, she was so done with this for today

"No! My legs are tired. I need to sit somewhere cool and relaxing and just breathe. Have a drink and relax, if not then no" she folded her arms and looked at me with defiance

"Okay, you'll get just that. But one more" she refused "here's what, let's do the art tent. You don't have to move a muscle, just sit on the pose chair and I'll draw you. You can even keep the drawing"

"You draw?" She seemed to find that idea more bearable

"Of course!"

"since when?" She was already giving off a body language that said she was willing to go for that adventure

"Since forever!" I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her as she followed behind me

Upon arriving in the tent, Amelia sat in the posing chair. I had her pick a pose but she wasn't entirely sure. She sat with her legs together and her plans on her lap. Too rigid. She sat gross legged. Too generic. At a point the poses bored her so much she grabbed her phone and looked through random clips she could find on YouTube. Perfect.

I drew that pose. I captured that moment. The way she seemed to look uninterested even in what she watched. They was something seems to be missing on her face, something that was evident needed to be present. The more realistic I made the drawing look, the more my heart sank.

So far there has been no success or improvement towards operations bring back Amelia's spark and be her knight is shining armor. Absolutely nothing. I could feel it, I could sense it and I could draw it too. Somewhere in my heart, a piece fell from pain and helplessness

A few more minutes later, I finished the drawing. It was a really good one if I do say so myself. Amelia saw it and was quite impressed, she even complemented me with a 'You have artistic talent, you're very good' and I will never forget that. Ever.

We walked back to my car as I have already promised that this was the last tent we'd visit in the amusement park. As I drove Amelia didn't seem to pay attention to where we were going. If she did, she'd ask me why we've made a left turn moving away from both her house and mine

"Where are we?" She said when I stopped the car before a building with neon lights decorating the entrance

"I brought you to where you asked. A place to sit that's cool, have a drink and just relax" i git out if the car and headed to the other side to open the door but she already stepped out "Welcome to The Casa"

"Uh, are you sure this is a good idea? Is this even safe?"

"It's actually the safest for us, I thought it through. Everywhere else is simply a risk so here we are" I stretched my hand out fir her but she seemed hesitant about the idea "I'm here, so don't worry"

"Sure, whatever" she sighed and followed me into the building

Music pounded into my ears immediately we stepped foot into the major hall. Chairs were aligned straight up facing the walls of the room which had tables attached to them. The middle has mirror balls and disco lights which serves as a dancefloor.

I and Amelia made our way up the stairs. This place was far too rowdy and Amelia said a place to relax, this isn't it. The first floor was more reserved, it had tables for two and had sound tools to muffle the noise from downstairs into a subtle beat

I showed Amelia to our table and went to the counter to order something. Looking at the menu everything had a bit of alcohol, just some more than others. I've asked Amelia what she wanted but she said whatever I decided was fine.

I would assume Amelia has low alcohol tolerance because she clearly doesn't take them much so I got her Peach vacation, had only one shot in it, lowest on the menu. Should be good enough. Just in case she couldn't have that, I got water for her too. For me I got a cold glass of Sparkling vine, one of their best combo yet. Amelia would love the taste but too much alcohol so that's a no.

I went back to the table and found Amelia sitting looking at the flower arrangement on the table. She was fixing them, arranging them to how she felt looked best or using it to while away time. I think its the later guess that made more sense

"Thank you for today Andrew" she said

"Don't mention it Amelia, my treat" I smiled at her "I should thank you for accepting my offer" I laughed and she laughed back. Just to be polite.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Share your thoughts in the comments!!!!

Love you all!! 💗💗💗

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