22-Taking her out

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"Lemme see, lemme see!" Jimin begged, gripping onto Magnolias shoulders impatiently. He knew she had gone shopping. He also somehow instinctively knew she'd bought lingerie.

And oh, how eager he was to see it.

"Jim, wait!" she laughed.

"I literally, physically, mentally, and emotionally cannot wait. Just show it to me now!" He begged, kissing her neck softly.

"No. It's for later!" She giggled again, prying herself out of his grasp. She placed the bag from Victorias under her mattress when he left her room, quickly walking out of the area before he could see her.

"Fine. If it's for later, what are we doing now?"

"Ahem-it's my project week. You're supposed to have had something planned, remember?" She said, kissing his cheek.

"Oh, right," he scratched his head. Jimin hadn't really planned anything but one thing he was good at?

Making stuff up.

"Well get your winter clothes and meet me in the car. We're going to like 6 different places, depending on money, anyway."

FIRST PLACE: Pet store

Jimin had taken Magnolia to a local pet store just to take her.

"Oh, he's so pretty!" she exclaimed, looking at the calico cat in front of her. She tapped on the glass and made little sounds, smiling brightly at the kitten whenever it meowed at her playfully.

Jimin watched the interaction with big pupils, falling deeper in love with this caring human being. He couldn't help but find himself staring intently as she cooed at the kitty.

That, he thought, that's what she deserves. A kitten.

He walked away silently, looking for a worker and once he found one, he got right to work.

"So, Mr Park. First time adopting a pet?"

"Yeah. Personally, anyway. I had a dog but he passed when I was younger."

"Oh! So sorry to hear!" The female worker expressed her concern, touching his hand for comfort. Uncomfortable, Jimin pulled back.

"So, that calico next to the two siamese twins, how much do you think the items would cost to take care of it?"

"Oh? Um, I'd say the budget would be about $45 to $60?" Those were some big numbers for college students.

"Very well. I'll take him." The girl seemed shook, mouth dropping open slightly.

"But, Mr. Park, there are so many other ones-"

"Yeah, but my girl wants him. He's the only one she's sat with for more than ten minutes-she really likes him." Jimin said, flicking his fingers through his hair.

The worker got up and bowed, walking away and out of the office.

She came back only 5 minutes later with paper work and a basket full of everything he'd need for the cat.

"Just sign these papers and he'll be yours in no time!" She said enthusiastically, handing the one over. Jimin excitedly wrote everything he needed to down, finishing the long paperwork process in only 25 minutes. He handed the papers back to her and grabbed the basket.

"Thank you!" He waved, walking out the door.

He grabbed the cat carrier she left on the shelf next to the outside of the door and walked over to Magnolia, nudging her with his foot. She looked up, eyes wide.

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