20- Christmas

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It's been 3 months since you and Jimin have been dating. And it's been the best 3 months of your life, actually.

Your mom knows about him and hopes to meet him sometime in the summer. Which you thought would scare him but he loved that idea, ready to meet your parents already.

"Aren't we moving too fast for you?" "Not at all, I'm glad she thinks so highly of me." He said, kissing your cheek.

It was Christmas Eve and you both were shopping in some sketchy shop that was still open on this day.

The pair of you and the rest of the boys had planned a Secret Santa party for tomorrow at your place because why not. So you and Jimin were out buying gifts for your Secret Santa's.

"I have to buy for Namjoon, what about you?" "Taehyung, easy enough." You responded, smiling.

"What are you gonna get him?" "Eh, a few things. He said he could do with a new hairstyle so I got him a free entry for a month." You said, looking over at Jimin. "I'm gonna get Namjoon a crab." "A crab?!" "Yeah," Jimin shrugged, "He likes crabs. Like a lot." You laughed to yourself, shaking your head.

Back at their dorm

Somehow, you both had convinced the dean to switch your dorms so you'd be together. And in your dorm you were wrapping the gifts you got for your friends.

"They're gonna be here in 10, finish it up babe." "I'm trying, Mags. And just because you didn't spend as much time wrapping yours doesn't mean mine has to be shitty-ly." You gasped dramatically, hitting his arm.

"So mean."
"You love it"

10 minutes later

"Heyyyyy!" Sol exclaimed happily, giving Magnolia a kiss on the cheek and a hug. They laughed and pulled away, separating to hug the boys.

Magnolia went straight for Tae, giving him the biggest hug she could muster.

"Well, hello to you too. Miss me?" "Not at all. Just not used to you being across from me instead of in the same dorm" Magnolia said, ruffling his hair.

"You guys are like the bestest friends. Like more than her and I," Sol complained, backing away from the hug she shared with Jimin.

"Where's our hugs?" Hobi said, talking about himself and Namjoon. "Sorry, guys!" Magnolia exclaimed, pulling them both into a loving hug.

"Okay so the plan is to play a few drinking games, charades, then lastly we'll open our gifts with the remainder of food we should have left, assuming you boys won't vacuum it all up." Magnolia commented slyly, giving the boy a raise of her brow.

"Sounds good."
"I'm down if Sol is."
"You bet I am, Tae."
"You have any weed?"

"No smoking in here, Hobi. Bad memories for me." Magnolia commented, shivering at the thought of her former lover. Hoseok nodded understandably, sitting down on the floor.

"What drinking game to play though?" Taehyung asked, bringing Sol to sit on his lap.

"Maybe just spin the bottle? But like Truth or Dare style. And if we don't want to either answer a truth or do a dare, we drink?" Namjoon suggested.

"Doesn't sound half bad. Mags?" Jimin said to Magnolia, nudging her shoulder.



"Guys, I think we should open our gift now" Namjoon slurred, grabbing the gift with his name on it.

"Yeah, so true" Taehyung followed, grabbing his.

And everyone came drunkenly clawing over to grab their respective presents.

"I'll open mine first!" Taehyung exclaimed, ripping his gift open. Magnolia waited with bated breath as Taehyung surveyed the gift.

"I love it! Thank you someone!"

"Tae, you stupid! It was meeee!" Magnolia squealed, running over to hug Taehyung. Being how drunk she was, she toppled over him and they hugged on the floor.

Everyone awed at their cuteness, calming down when they got up and Magnolia shakily made her way back to Jimin.

"I'll open mine!" Magnolia smiled, grabbing hers off Jimins lap. She opened it with some difficulty, soon realizing it was a picture frame with her and everyone else in it from her birthday back in November.

"Awwww, who got it!!!" She cried, wiping her tears while everyone smiled.

"Me," Sol said, hugging Magnolia with love.

"It's so nice! Thank you my baby!" Magnolia pouted, kissing Sols cheek.

Few hours later..

Everyone had played tons of regular games, eating a ton till you felt stuffed. Everyone had enjoyed their time together and went to their respective rooms at like 1am.

Magnolia and Jimin were cuddling on the couch, watching some movie when Jimin said her name.

"Yeah?" She whispered, looking up at Jimin.

"I love you so much."

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