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Vegeta pov

So after I found those three earthlings here. Although first I thought I would kill them just to get revenge for my defeat on Earth, I realized they might be useful to me after all, they even separated Dodoria from Freeza. They even bought a big Dodoria here for me.

Dodoria (laughs): hand over your scouter and get lost Vegeta.

I then realize "Oh great so all Scouters are destroyed so they can't follow me

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I then realize "Oh great so all Scouters are destroyed so they can't follow me. Well, let me kill this piece of garbage. Then drop the scouter and crush it.

Vegeta: well well well looks like it is destroyed.

Dororia: You will pay for this Vegeta. Don't you need it to sense your opponent's power level?

Dodoria shouts like a madman and Vegeta releases some of his ki and proceeds to beat the living hell out of Dodoria. But Dodoria tried to tell him that Freeza was the one who blew up the planet. So Vegeta will leave him alone.

Vegeta: "Don't misunderstand me, Dodoria. I don't care about my planet or allies or parents or anything... I'm just angry at myself because of you using me as a brat without having known that...!"

Dodoria freaks out and starts to fly away. But Vegeta fires a huge blast up at him with one hand, killing him. "Freeza fears the endless potential of the Saiyan..!" says Vegeta, as Goku continues doing push-ups on his ship.

!" says Vegeta, as Goku continues doing push-ups on his ship

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Back to our main characters.

Rimuru, Piccolo, Denda, Gohan, and Krillin then returned back to the cave and found a big house.

Rimuru: So let me guess Bulma was the one who made this house right.

Zegion: yes big brother.

Piccolo: So we are on the verge of death. And you are having a party.

Bulma: Well, I don't want to die alone here. And I am a delicate lady do you want me to live in a cave like you all?

Gohan: Hey, nobody is dying. And I am so hungry. (loud stomach noise)

Krillin: yup tell them Gohan, so Rimuru did you find something to eat?

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