002 | winter solstice

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ii. you're free to leave me
but just don't deceive me

THE TRIP BACK TO CAMP HAD BEEN the breath of fresh air that Daisy had been looking for.

For the first time in a long time, she finally felt like the weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and there was nothing to worry about.

The whole issue with Luke and the dreams he had been having had brushed over and she knew that he had listened to her.

However, it was after the trip to Mount Olympus on the annual Winter Solstice trip that she knew something was wrong.

It started off small. There was more rain on the way back and she could feel the harsh winds even in camp.

It wasn't just the weird weather, but Luke that was acting strange. He seemed too proud, too excited and she wondered what was up with hi .

"What's wrong with your face?" She asked one day as they sat at the table, eating lunch.

"My face?" He asked, not even trying to hide the smug grin.

She scoffed, turning to him, "You have that little smirk on,"

"I'm just happy, thats all Daisy," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

She looked up at him and the smile on his face and tried to ignore the sickening feeling in her stomach.

Daisy couldn't put her finger on it but he seemed too happy. Something was up.

The most logical thing would be that he had finally got a girlfriend; most of the girls in camp had been trying to date him for years.

"Wow, you're really happy," she said, smile falling from her face as she thought about the possibility.

She knew that she hadnt made any sort of move but she hated that maybe there was some other girl.

He stood up, hands on the table as he leant forward to look at her, "I gotta go, I have to make sure Travis and Connor leave that poor new boy alone,"

The thing he did next surprised her the most. He kissed her on the cheek and she was left sitting there, reeling.

Daisy could feel her face lit up in a blush and a hand came up to touch the patch of skin he'd kissed.

Sure, he'd done that a few times before but it felt different this time, more romantic, domestic even.

She stood up, watching as he rushed off towards the Hermes cabin and she just stared into the distance, shell-shocked.

"Why does he look so happy?" A voice asked.

The teenager jumped a little bit, so lost in her own world and thoughts that she didn't see that someone was behind her.

She recognised the voice instantly and knew there was only one person sneaky enough to do that. When she turned around she saw the culprit of her fright.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 • luke castellanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin