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I woke up in a hospital bed, barely able to move. I opened my eyes to see my handsome boyfriend hovering over me. "She's awake!" He yelled, then everyone rushed over to the side of my bed. I heard assorted "How are you feeling"s and "I'm glad you're okay"s. "Still no Emily?" I asked. "Please don't try to speak." The doctor demanded. "Emily is still missing, the police searched everywhere and they finally gave up after weeks of searching."

"How long was I out?" I asked. "You have been in a coma for four months." Mom said. "We have been worried sick but you fought through it!" Jacob said, excitedly. "I can't go back to sleep, ever. That last nightmare almost killed me!" I stated. "Normally, I would disagree since sleeping is essential for life but I studied you while you were in that coma and I found that you don't need to sort through your memories like the rest of us. It truly is astonishing but essentially you don't need to sleep." I was especially excited at this because of my recent nightmares. "Now do you feel any kind of pain, fatigue, dizziness, or loss of vision or hearing?" The doctor asked. "No." I said. "Then I am clearing you to leave. You should be fine as long as you don't sleep." I sat up on the bed and stood up. I noticed that all I was wearing was the hospital gown. "Who dressed me?" I asked. "I did." Jacob said. I smiled and kissed him. "Thank you."

We left the hospital behind and headed home. We walked into the door and Jacob said he wanted to talk to me. We headed upstairs and he sat me down on my bed. "There are things you must know. Firstly, the government never put surveillance on the island. The ship that was heading there crashed in the middle of the ocean. They are saying there aren't any survivors. They accuse us of doing it but they can't prove it. Nobody at that school is capable of such an act anyway so we know it wasn't us. Also, the barricade around the triangle islands was lifted last month but there was nothing there, no buildings, the people were gone, it was as if no human had ever set foot on the islands. The government claims it's all over but there was another area they barricaded two weeks ago that suggests otherwise. What's stranger is that the new area is in the middle of the ocean. There aren't any land masses there so everyone is demanding answers to why they are blocking it off. The new Terraria game was recalled but no reason was given." He continued about how there were riots in the streets for a while and that more and more people were coming up missing. Things sounded pretty bad out there. It was almost time for school so I got undressed and I put on some jeans and a tank top. We got in mom's car and she drove us to the dock. I didn't bother putting shoes on since I wasn't going to wear any anyway.

We boarded the boat and everyone was staring at me. The Dean walked up to Jacob and I. "We haven't seen you in four months, we thought you moved." He said as the boat started off to the island. I turned to Jacob. "You haven't been here either?" I asked. "I was too busy making sure you were safe and sound." He said. "Well either way, we welcome you back. What happened?" I turned away in embarrassment. "I was put in a coma by a nightmare." I blushed and the Dean turned blood red in fear. "W- well please keep that quiet. Weird things have been happening on the island and that is the kind of thing that's been happening. We had a couple freeze to death in the boiler room, and one case of spontaneous combustion in the freezer and that's just the tip of the iceberg, no pun intended. We can't find the cause of this phenomenon." I was perplexed to why people still go there. "and everyone is okay with going there?" He looked confused. "You ask that as though we have some kind of choice. There may not be governmental rules on the island but we still have to send kids to school. If it were my choice, I would tear that god-forsaken place down! It's brought nothing but pain and misery." We went and sat down in our normal spot on the boat and waited for the boat-ride to be over.

I walked onto the once luscious grass to feel the sharp sensation of cut grass on my feet. I walked as fast as I could up to the side-walk and walked inside. I felt the gentle cool breeze of the air conditioner as soon as I entered the building. My feet were cooled off by the marble floor. Jacob and I walked through the building to the elevator, which we took to the second floor, and then we walked through the building to History class. We sat in seats next to each other. Mr. Reynolds was sitting at his desk on his computer. The rest of the class entered the room and sat down one by one. Once everyone was inside, Mr. Reynolds walked over to the door, closed it, and wrote something on the whiteboard. Once he finished writing, he turned around and stepped out of the way to reveal the words he just wrote.

"Who can tell me about the Terra Conflict?" Nobody answered. "Anybody?" still no answer. "Right then, the Terra Conflict was a war waged upon the earth by a group of people who could..." I trailed off as I looked out of the window, noting the storm clouds. I also noted that they had a slight reddish tint to them. I was mystified by this and I raised my hand. "Uh, yes Amber, what is it?" I looked over to him. "What causes rain clouds to be red?" He crossed his arms. "I don't know but if it doesn't have anything to do with this class then please keep it to yourself." He continued with the lesson and I watched as the clouds drew closer. Mr. Reynolds grabbed his pointer and swatted at the board, pointing to something on it and when he did I saw a red flash of light; red lightening. I started getting more and more nervous as the clouds moved directly over the school. I heard a splat hit the window and i looked over to see a spot of blood running down the glass. I gasped, almost jumping out of my seat. "Oh my god I think someone was killed!" everyone looked over as another splat hit the window, then another, and another. Soon it was pouring blood everywhere. We heard a call on Mr. Reynolds' phone as he answered. I tried looking passed the blood and onto the ground outside but the crimson liquid was just too thick. Everyone heard Mr. Reynolds slam the phone down and hastily open the closet door. He reached inside and pulled out a shotgun and loaded it.

"Everyone over to the corner of the room, quick!" He shouted, and everyone obeyed. I was surrounded by my classmates as I was in the corner opposite the door. We all heard screams coming from the room through the wall behind us and some weird noises coming from the hallway. Mr. Reynolds readied his shotgun, aiming it at the door. Something banged against the door and everyone in the room jumped. Another bang on the door and this time an arm smashed through the window. I only caught a glimpse of it before Mr. Reynolds shot it. The sound from the gunshot rang through the room as the arm exited the hole. Then we heard another bang on the door as the doorknob fell to the floor. The door slammed open and everyone in the room saw the creature but only Jacob and I recognized it. We heard a total of three shots as the face monster fell to the floor. Just then, a large, blood red spider entered the room through the top of the doorway. It quickly jumped on top of Mr. Reynolds and bit into him. His screams echoed through the school. I shoved everyone out of my way, picked up his shotgun and shot the blood crawler, but it was too late. Mr. Reynolds was already transforming. I shot him to stop the process and grabbed a spare clip from the closet.

"Everyone out of the building, now!" I yelled, and everyone started screaming and running. Jacob and I trailed behind them, failing to keep up. We ran into three more face monsters which started biting into the people, converting them into face monsters. Only three of us escaped the building. We all ran across the crimson grass attempting to make it to the boat. Jacob and I heard a splash coming from behind us and we turned around. The third person had stepped into a puddle of blood and was transforming into a face monster. "Okay, it's official, do NOT touch the blood!" We both ran onto the boat to see it was abandoned. "Do you know how to drive this thing?" Jacob asked. "No, didn't you have a boat at one point?" I asked. "When do you think I had a boat?! It doesn't matter, just start pressing buttons!" I did as Jacob said and we finally worked out how to power and drive the boat. We heard a bang on the door as I realized that the face monster was already on the boat. I walked down the steps to the door, and opened it. The face monster rushed inside and I shot it right it the head. It moved back a little and I shot it twice more, causing it to fall to the ground and explode in a bloody mess. I quickly shut the door again to avoid the blood and I latched it. I walked back up the steps to Jacob, who was turning the boat around and was going to drive us back to the mainland where we would be safe.

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