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Aoom's POV

*Flashbacks, one week BEFORE the infiltration*

The gentle murmur of the bustling courtyard surrounded me as I approached Lindo and Linda, diligently tending to the horses. "Is my father home?" I inquired, my voice cutting through the ambient sounds.

"Yes, my lady. He's in his study room," Linda replied, pausing from her task to acknowledge me. Gratitude filled my words as I smiled at them both before making my way to my father's abode.

A soft knock on the study room door elicited a response from within, "Come in." My father's voice carried a tone of curiosity as I entered. "Oh... Aoom, what brought you here? Do you need something?" His gaze met mine.

"Well, I have something to ask," I responded truthfully, prompting him to close the book in his hands, signifying his intent to focus solely on our conversation.

"How many minutes does it take to pass through the borders with a cart full of sacks from here?" I inquired, delving into the matter at hand.

"Usually, it takes an hour, but with a heavy load, it might extend to one and a half to two hours," my father replied, his knowledge of trade routes evident.

"Is it possible to reduce the travel time to fifteen minutes?" I pressed, searching for a solution to a challenge yet unspoken.

A furrow formed on my father's forehead. "It's impossible. Even if those carrying the cart were to run, fifteen minutes is unattainable."

Undeterred, I sought alternatives. "How about a horse?" I suggested, recalling Lindo and Linda's equine care.

Confusion clouded my father's expression. "What will you do with a horse?”

"Ride it?" I responded, as if it was the obvious thing to do.

Laughter erupted from my father, bewildering me.

"Why are you laughing? " I inquired, puzzled by his amusement.

"My daughter just said something so ridiculous... how can I not laugh?" he chuckled, finding humor in my unconventional proposal.

"No one in their sane mind would ride a horse, Aoom. We're raising them to be eventually consumed."

A glimmer of hope brightened my face. They weren't using horses for transportation in this era, if I could teach every women in the organization on how to ride a horse it could be our advantage. "Last question, father. Do we have storage in other kingdoms?"

He nodded, "We trade rice with every kingdom, so we do. Why do you ask?"

"Can I store something there?" I inquired, laying the groundwork for the plan taking shape in my mind.

"Of course," he replied, unaware of the intricate web of decisions and actions that would unfold in the days to come.

After three days of intensive horse riding lessons, Linda and Lindo mastered the skill, enabling us to cross borders in just ten minutes during testing.

On the day of infiltration, I directed them that once I have loaded the goods to the cart later at night they need to transport it to our storage in different kingdoms as fast as they can.


My awakening was abrupt, marked by the stinging sensation of a hand connecting with my face. As my senses gradually returned, I surveyed the surroundings and found Meena at my side, joined by the sprawled figures of Snack, Tia, and Heidi on my bed. In stark contrast, the remaining girls lay scattered across the floor.

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