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Aoom’s POV

“Are you all ready?” I asked, casting my gaze upon each of them. Cloaked in armor and masked to conceal our identities, everyone nodded, their eyes reflecting hope and determination.

This is the day. After a week of meticulous preparation, we stand ready to infiltrate Kanawut’s Mine.

“So, let’s review our plan. There are three gates, each guarded by two men. For the first gate, I, Engfa, will be in charge. Aoom and Nini will accompany me. Charlotte will lead the infiltration of the second gate, assisted by Tia and Elsa. Snack takes the lead for the third gate, with Heidi and Nude. Pailiu and Meena will be in charge in taking all of the weapons in armory to ensure people’s safety when the commotion began, they will also bring cart with them that will be used to carry the stolen goods and weapons.”

“We must ensure to incapacitate the guards silently, open the gates, and wait for Pailiu and Meena to shoot an arrow with a white powder as a signal that the people are safe to be freed. When the commotion begins, that’s our signal to search for gems and gold. If you’re in danger, shoot an arrow with red powder into the sky, and we’ll come to your aid. If you find the storage of goods, shoot blue powder. Meena and Pailiu, bring the cart to where the blue powder is shot,” Engfa added.

“Is everything clear?” she inquired. I raised my hand.

“I think we need one more person with good fighting skills to assist Meena and Pailiu…”

“Trust me, they don’t need that. You should worry about the people who will stand in their way,” Engfa asserted confidently.

Is Pailiu’s fighting skill truly that remarkable?

I hope so.

I gave a final glance to everyone, and my eyes lingered on Meena the longest.

Please be safe, everyone. Let’s return here later, all together.



Third Person’s POV

Note: Scene in first, second and third gate took place in the same time.

First Gate (Engfa, Aoom, and Nini)

The trio observed the two men guarding the first gate – one stationed atop the fence as a lookout and the other standing by the entrance.

“I’ll handle the one on top. Once I silence him, you two proceed to deal with the man at the entrance,” Engfa commanded, receiving silent nods from both Aoom and Nini.

Engfa ascended the fence with effortless agility. Positioned directly behind the lookout, she swiftly broke his neck, sending his lifeless body tumbling down.

The thud alerted the other guard, who stood bewildered. Seizing the opportunity, Aoom and Nini pounced on the unprepared man. Nini exhibited expert combat skills, delivering kicks and jabs with precision, while Aoom, calculating and observant, seized a moment to wield a sizable rock, striking the man's head and rendering him unconscious.

“Wew, you fought well, Nini,” Aoom complimented, eliciting a blush from Nini.

Aoom promptly searched the man’s body, seeking the key. Upon finding it, she looked up at Engfa, offering a thumbs-up to signal success. The first gate had been breached with calculated finesse.

Second Gate (Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa)

In the cover of shadows, the three of them patiently awaited the opportune moment. Minutes later, an opening presented itself when one of the guards strolled toward a dark area to pee. Seizing this chance, Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa swiftly incapacitated the man, ensuring a quiet and efficient takedown. Stripping the guard of his clothes, Charlotte donned the disguise and returned to the entrance.

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