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Aoom's POV

With the sudden revelation still fresh in my mind, I felt an unexplainable need to distance myself. I took refuge in this room that was supposed to be 'mine'. Yet, everything within it felt oddly unfamiliar to me.

Theories raced through my mind.
Did I just time travel to the past? How did this even became possible? Is it because of that book? It all begun when I held it..

I know there must be a reason..

I'm certain that the book didn’t belong to me. Someone must have intentionally brought that book to my condo…

But who could it be, and why did they choose me specifically?

All the swirling questions in my mind ceased when my attention was drawn to a box beside the table. I couldn’t resist my curiosity, so I opened it.

Old-styled notebooks, numerous in number, lay within. “My Diary” etched on the front covers..

It's probably belonged to the old me...
I picked one and was about to open it when a knock echoed through my door.

“Aoom, your father’s here. Come out so we can eat together,” Snack called.

“I’ll be there in a second,” I answered, momentarily diverted by the interruption.

“Make it quick, I’m starving!” Snack replied in jest.

I sighed and placed the notebook back in the box.

Maybe I'll read them later, It might be a big help. I need to know who I was in this place, in order for me to survive and find my way back home..


As I made my way to the dining area, I heard Charlotte's voice as if she's talking to someone.

"Uncle, you see... after we saw her unconscious in the river she started to act strange, we are her cousins who she lived with for almost all of her life it's so weird that she didn't remembered us."

"She even said that she saw us in a lecture hall! Can you imagine that, Uncle? I'm getting worried." Charlotte hysterically added.

"She did?" A voice came from a Man replied,

I'm so bored eavesdropping about their conversation so I decided to cut Charlotte's off when she's about to reply.

In a playful tone, I teased,

“My, my, my. Are you both talking behind my back?” I met the gaze of the already seated duo in a setting that mirrored the historical charm of Korean dramas.

Charlotte quirked an eyebrow in response, eliciting a chuckle from me as I settled beside her.

Shifting my attention to the gentleman at the center, I casually remarked,

“Oh, Hi there, Old man. Are you supposed to be my Father?”

A lighthearted quip that earned me an elbow strike from Charlotte.

My father, in good spirits, chuckled at the banter, before addressing the situation.

“So, what you said is really true, Charlotte. She doesn’t remember anything… even her personality changed drastically,” a mix of amusement and a hint of melancholy tinting his words.

Charlotte, taken aback, expressed her disbelief. “Why don’t you seem affected at all, Uncle?”

Reassuringly, my father responded, “I have met someone who lost her memories too, her personality also changed, the same case as Aoom’s. Just give it a little time, she’ll remember soon enough.” Attempting to persuade Charlotte to be patient.

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