"Firstly, we need to recruit more women and provide comprehensive training – not just physical, but also mental. Secondly, we must intensify our own training regimen. Thirdly, after three months of preparation, the Princess will orchestrate a competition among us," Engfa explained, her tone carrying a weight of significance.

"And finally... the top 10 winners in this competition will be divided into two teams and will participate in the Battle of Arki," she added.

Gasps filled the room, though I remained unperturbed, evidently the only one unfamiliar with the concept. The Battle of Arki? What was that?

I turned to Snack for an explanation, but she was already looking at me, as if anticipating my confusion.

"The Battle of Arki takes place every two years, inviting everyone in Arkemia to assemble teams of five members, each team will compete with each other. The triumphant team earns the honor of joining the King, aiding him in the forthcoming Battle of the Kingdoms that will be held three months after the Battle of Arki." Snack explained.

My forehead creased. Kingdoms? Were there other realms aside from Arkemia?

Snack still sensed my confusion and decided to clarify further. "There are four known Kingdoms in this land: Arkemia, Julo, Gamaha, and Kentha. Gamaha triumphed in the last Battle of the Kingdoms two years ago, granting them a dominant position over every kingdom, followed by Arkemia. Essentially, the Battle of the Kingdoms establishes the hierarchical standing of each kingdom."

I nodded, attempting to process the intricacies of this new information.

"This is crazy... usually, over 50 teams join, and they're all composed of men. No woman in history has ever participated in the Battle of Arki, let alone the Battle of Kingdoms. Will they even let us join?" Heidi hesitated, voicing her concerns.

"They will. Men won't bat an eye if a team of women joins. They're accustomed to undermining our skills, and their ego will likely be satisfied knowing there's a team considered 'weaker' than them. Moreover, there's no rule stating that only men can join, not women," Pailiu asserted, prompting nods of agreement from everyone.

"But the King is ill right now. Who will represent Arkemia?" Nude inquired.

"Typically, the next in line or the heir would take charge. However, as you know, the princess is the only child. I doubt the people and the ministries in this kingdom would entrust the kingdom's hierarchical position to a woman, given their misogyny. They'll likely select a man with royal lineage through a competition. But let's not worry, let's trust the Princess and allow her to handle that. Our focus should be on our part," Pailiu suggested, attempting to quell any anxieties among the group. Encouraging the team to redirect their concerns and concentrate on their own preparations.

“But… why are we all doing this? For what purpose? What will winning these battles contribute to change? How can we acquire power through this?” I questioned abruptly, prompting them to turn their attention toward me.

“Winning both battles will prove to everyone, not just in Arkemia but across all the Kingdoms, that women are capable. This will help open everyone’s eyes to the fact that women should be given equal opportunities and resources, as we can also achieve or even surpass what men can do,” Engfa explained on behalf of the Princess.

As expected , the Princess was a visionary. However, without a reality check, those visions could amount to nothing.

Men in this era were born with privileges attached to them, while women needed to work a hundred times harder just to be treated equally.

“Do the Princess truly believe that deep-rooted misogyny will vanish magically right after winning those battles?” I sarcastically questioned.

A moment of contemplative silence hung in the air as the weight of my inquiry settled. The room’s attention shifted to me.

MEENBABE: Herstory (GXG) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora