Chapter 29

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Did I say I would get more freedom in Med? Forget it.

The second I requested to go outside the room, the nurses told me it will at least be another week before I can go unsupervised.

Which means I need Soap to chaperone. Since there is not a chance in hell my Lieutenant would be willing to.

A few days pass. I can finally make it to the door of my room and back without collapsing.

I am so excited by my progress, my heart is actually racing.

I decide to rest as I sit on the windowsill, my gaze falling on the garden of the base.

The lanterns, the roses.. God, I would love to go for just a small stroll right now.

Mesmerized by the view, I don't bother to turn around as I hear my door slowly opening.

Must be Bernice doing her evening routine. She will probably give me a new cup with my medicine and ask me how my day was.

But it stays quiet.

I decide to slowly turn around and my heart instantly jumps, an icy cold feeling creeping up on me.


He inches towards me. His long dark hair covering his eyes as he has a creepy smirk on his face.

As he stands under the ceiling light, I see a knife gleaming in his hand.

My breath hitches in my throat at the sight of him. Inching backwards, I quickly realize I am trapped. My window doesn't have an opening and there is no way I can pass him. My heart beats loudly in my chest.

''N-Night? What are you doing here..S-stay away!''

My hands shake as I hold them up in defense. I feel vulnerable in my weak state, my confidence fading. The closer Night comes the more panicked I am.

As he stands in front of me, I can see blood dripping from his knife.

Im gasping for air, panicked as my eyes dart around in fear. My feet nailed to the ground, Night finally meets my gaze.

His smirk growing wider, his white teeth now exposed.

He doesn't say anything as he finally raises the knife above his head, ready to strike.

I let out an agonizing scream as I jolt up. My hospital gown drenched in sweat as I gasp for air.


I'm shaking, burying my face in my hands as I curl myself up, hugging my knees.

I can't help but cry. The warm tears, and heavy chest are somewhat comforting as I am still trying to catch my breath.

I can act all though. Around Ghost, Around Soap, Sarah..

But the truth is, Night's betrayal has broken me.

Seeing Sarah fighting for her life, knowing he caused it. It's simply too much.

Our strong bonds as a team, broken like that.

What is left of us?

Suddenly I hear footsteps rushing down the hallway, my head snaps towards my door as It flies open. A part of me terrified my nightmare might come true.

However, in the door opening, stands the second-last person I want to see right now.

Sweaty, heavily breathing, he quickly scans me.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now