Chapter 7

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I watch Ghost as he leaves my room. Disappearing at the end of the hallway.

Did he really just.. apologize?

I still can't believe it. It seems so unlike him.

I bet Soap had an influence on him. Anyway, I don't care. I will take it.

I sigh as I glance over my nightstand. The broken chain still lying on it while the locket lies on my pillow. Thank god it wasn't damaged when the ghost dropped it on the gym floor.

Such a dick move really.

I had already calmed down from the ordeal when I picked up the locket, cradling it in my hands.

I could tell Soap would speak to Ghost, and I was fine with that. I didn't feel the need to scold him...

That is of course, unless he tries to do something stupid like that again.

I was too busy with my own reaction as to care about Ghost. I didn't know this was how I would react to having my locket taken from me. I had thought about it before: What would I do if a hostile snatched it? Would I be able to still focus on the mission?

Always confident the answer was, Yes. But, now I suppose I know for sure that the answer is, No. And I would be lying if I said that didn't scare me.

I move the locket around in my hand. I can't go without it. Not yet.

But this event did stir something deep inside me. Would I risk it all for this locket? For my only memoir of Four? Is that fair? is it what he would've wanted?

I sigh deeply as I place the locket on the nightstand next to the broken chain.

Great, and now I will also be punished for skipping training. Which is his own goddamn fault.

I grunt loudly as I sit on my bed burying my head in my hands. Feeling completely out of control.

The next few days it felt like Ghost was avoiding me. He didn't even acknowledge my existence, let alone talk to me. Soap told me to give him some time, but it made me anxious.

Was this the punishment for skipping training? Or was that still coming?

I took the time to fix my necklace. Borrowed some tools from the weaponry. It's a few chains shorter now, the broken chains caused my Ghosts pull were not salvable. You wouldn't notice it being a few inches shorter. It still hides under my armor when in combat, which is the most important part.

I didn't see Soap all that much either. He was basically caught up in work, and I almost feel like Ghost gave him more to do because he stood up for me.


After fixing my locket I found myself roaming the base often, not really engaging in any contact with the other soldiers. They were all men anyway. Were they staring at me every time I walked passed? Of Course, they did.

I ignored it, along with every attempt they made to talk to me. My only comfort is the garden of the base. It's rose season, and that happens to be my favorite flower. Every day I check the rose bushes as I see a few new knobs growing.

Absolutely beautiful

If I'm not admiring the garden, I am found working out in the gymnasium to let out some steam. It helps with the anxiety and the panic attacks, and since they tripled after joining 141, I am basically living in the gym.

The punching bag is my favorite. I just envision the head of my dear Lieutenant and I am filled with rage as I hit the bag one hard strike after the other.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now