Chapter 6

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My grip tightens around the chain on her neck. I am shaking with anger.

She dares to defy me in front of my own men? She is going to get it now.

I grit my teeth as I stare into her eyes. She stares back at me. Her expression more scared than her usual anger. She must be intimidated, good.

I see Soap glancing at me. I raise my eyebrow at his expression. He looks concerned, rather than angry at Y/N for clearly being insubordinate.

As I look back at Y/N I see her pleading gaze. I feel confused. What kind of game is she playing?

''I can't take it off.'' She says slowly as she wraps her hand around mine. Hoping I will loosen my grip on her chain.

''Then allow me to do it for you,'' I growl at her. In a split second, I pull at the chain. It snapped instantly.

Y/N's eyes widen. Like she is in shock. Why is she getting so damn emotional over a necklace?

I scoff as I hold it in my hand. Then I notice the gold locket she was clenching prior.

Y/N jolts forward grabbing my forearm with her two hands.
''Please.. please give it back!'' Her voice is panicked. I stare at her, confused. She is no longer the angry feisty woman I met yesterday. She looks more like a terrified child.

I take a deep breath as I try to diffuse this kind of odd scene.

''Look Y/N you will get it b-..''

''NOW! I NEED IT BACK NOW!'' She starts screaming as she claws at my closed hand, trying to get to the locket.

Jesus fucking christ.

''Calm down Recruit.'' My voice stern and authoritative as I hold the locket over my head so she can't reach it. ''You will get it back after training, i don't want it to get caught in anything'' My tone is more frustrated than caring.

Soap grabs Y/N's shoulders.

''Lass, calm down! Nothing is going-..''

''I NEED HIM BACK!'' She exclaims as she buckles through her knees, shaking, holding herself up by still gripping my forearm.

I frown at her dramatic response. What the hell is going on? ''him?''

''Ghost..'' Soap says, his tone concerned. ''Maybe we should just..-''

''Like hell, I will' I snap back at him. ''These theatrics don't work on me, Johnny''

Soap doesn't respond. His gaze focussed on y/n, placing his hand on her shoulder. It starts to shake along with her body.

I let out a loud ''tsk'' as I throw the locket at her feet.
''I don't have time for this childish behavior..''

She gasps as her locket hits the floor, letting go of me as she sits on her knees cradling it in her hands. I stare down at her.
''This is exactly what I meant Recruit. You're simply not fit for the team. You can't handle anything..''

My words are harsh, cold even. But I mean every single one. Breaking down over a piece of jewelry? What if a hostile got it during a mission? Would she just drop to the floor and give him every piece of information he asked for? Her behavior is dangerous.

I look at Soap as he stands straight next to me, watching y/n also but with a different expression. He is concerned, maybe even pities her.

''Don't go soft now Johnny,'' I growl softly at him.

Soap looks at me. I can't help but feel his gaze is slightly disappointed.

''Can we talk, in private?'' His tone is stern. I raise my eyebrow.
Is he displeased with how I handled this? He can't be serious.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now