Chapter 28

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**Quick Writers note**

Oh my goodness, 20k reads?? It feels like yesterday we reached 10k..I am so so truly gratefull for each and everyone of you commenting and reading this story.  It is so motivating and really warms my heart. I really want to update more often, Thank you all so much for your patience! I love each and everyone of you ^^ 



The interrogation room is cold, barely furnished. As only a steel desk with two matching chairs are present. I sit on one side. Night on the other.

He is carefully tied up to the chair by his waist. His arms and legs are bound by metal cuffs.

His long black hair, tangled and matted. Sweaty, as he has a tired expression on his face.

Yet, we haven't been successful getting the information we need from him. And it drives me insane.

I had to step out multiple times during the various interrogations with Price. Getting fed up by his lack of cooperation.

But today I woke up differently. After almost two weeks, my patience is growing thin and I am determined to get what I need from him.

So there I sit. Glaring at him.

He doesn't meet my gaze. He seems focused on the floor, like he brought himself to some kind of trance to escape our questions. But not today.

I tap my finger rhythmically on the desk. I have asked him every question me and Price could think of regarding Vince, his plans, where he would be now. Nothing.

''How long?'' My low voice booms through the office. Night remains unfazed.

''How long have you been betraying your team?'' A low growl escaped my mouth.


I shoot up, my momentum knocking the chair backwards. I slam my fists on the desk, the metal clanking loudly.

Night finally responds, flinching as he frowns at the noise.

''That long huh?'' I scoff, picking up on his body language. ''My guess it was even before y/n left your team. Am I right?''

I narrow my eyes at him, my chin tilting up. ''If you did it out of, so-called love for her, that wouldn't make sense. So what's your other reasoning?''

Night keeps looking away. He seems like a whole different person than when Soap and I first met him. He was very smirky, talkative, and bold. But right now, he seems to be nothing but an empty shell.

This guy is no rookie. He is trained in surviving interrogations like this. But I wasn't born yesterday either. The little snippets he did drop, even if it was just the way his body was reacting, made me connect some dots at least.

But I need more. Now.

Before I know it, Night's dismissive behavior sends me over the edge. I jolt forward over the desk, grabbing his collar firmly. His eyes widen as he grits his teeth in response.

I pull him up slightly, the vein in my temple popping as I look at his stupid expression.

He grunts in pain as the metal cuffs make it so I can't pull him up further. Lucky for him.

''You listen to me, pal..'' My frustration has built up to its boiling point and I am ready to unleash it all on him. Vince is still out there, and every day this bastard decides to keep his mouth shut the further he will go, and the more y/n is at risk of being in danger.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora