Chapter 10

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I tap my foot impatiently on the ground as I look at my watch.

Bloody hell how does she manage to still be late!?

It feels so weird wearing an all-black tux instead of my usual gear. I feel like a fucking monkey.

My dirty blond hair is slick back a bit. A black leather mask covers my eyes and nose.

Forget Monkey, I look more like fucking Zorro.

I pray we can sell the act of being a couple of rich twats.

As I stare into my reflection in the car window, my gaze pauses at my lips. Due to always wearing the balaclava, they are rarely exposed like this.

It annoys me, but what annoys me more is having to spend the whole evening with Miss you know who.

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the sound of heels clicking and clacking.

''Jesus Christ, finally-..''

I choke on my words as I meet her gaze. All my frustration suddenly fades. She looks absolutely breathtaking in that dress. Laswell really chose the wrong career.

She walks over to me, her pace rushed.

''Sorry! Sorry!'' She says as she gives me a small smile.

I just stare at her. Frozen, as my heart beats loudly in my chest.

She tilts her head slightly, a sly smirk creeping on her face.


Before she can say anything, I clear my throat loudly, trying to divert the subject.

''Yes, now that you finally cared to show up,'' I grumble at her as I open the door of the limousine. I step aside as I gesture for her to sit.

She frowns a bit at my comment but decides to keep her mouth shut as she scootches past me to sit in the limousine. She lifts her dress, looking a bit uncomfortable.

Unfortunately for her, she is even prettier when she is angry.

Christ Ghost, keep it together.

I slam her door a bit too hard as it makes her jolt up a bit.

I give her an apologetic nod through the window, then I walk over to sit on her other side.

The car ride is long and awkward.

I mostly stare out the window, but I can't help but glance at her a few times.

I hate the fact she looks so good right now.

I notice she fidgets her fingers, nervously, during the whole car ride.

It drives me crazy. I reach out my hand quickly to grab hers.

''Stop'' I command, annoyed as my fingers clench around hers.

She pulls her hand away with a loud scoff.

''Can I just be anxious in silence?'' She grunts

''Not if it annoys the life out of me.''

"Everything I do seems to annoy you''

''That we can agree on.''


She rolls her eyes as she keeps staring out of the window. The forest where the base slowly disappears as more rural surroundings flash by.

She lets out a sigh. I can't be bothered to ask why she is so anxious.

Aversion - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin