ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

458 15 34

*fun fact: seven is my favourite number (what's yours?)

Nami, Zoro and Luffy crashed right in through the roof of an old abandoned house.

"Ughh.. ow.." Nami picked herself up from the rumble that had fallen all around her, a bit dizzy from the impact, and watched as Luffy and Zoro did the same.

"S-sorry about that.. uhm, I didn't have a very good landing in mind when I used it..." said Luffy quietly as he rubbed off the dust particles on his head.

"Don't worry about that." Said Zoro, "at least be grateful that we're alive." He walked over and pulled both Nami and Luffy out of the wreckage. He noted Luffy being a bit paler, it's understandable from what had just occurred, but he'd still keep an eye on him anyways. Who knows what other dumb unpredictable things he would do.

"Oh, by the way... why were you there, miss..." Asked Luffy. If he just changes the direction of the conversation to Nami, no one would question his health. It would make it easier if he doesn't let them down in a situation like this.

"My name's Nami, and I simply just got caught in cross fire." Stated Nami, although she actually came over to the battle willingly, she decided to keep that to herself for now. "The bigger question would be... just.. who are you? How can you teleport... I've never seen someone so mysterious and strong before I can't help but wonder how you're not super famous around here..."

"...I've only recently started my journey."

"Your journey?" Nami questioned.

"Yeah. My journey to become the king of the pirates!" Luffy put a hand on his treasured straw hat and he gave Nami an impression of something... no, someone.

"So you guys are actually pirates..!?" Nami didn't want to believe that her saviours were evil, but their pirates! Nami grit her teeth. 'No. This isn't the time to fight with pirates, I'll deal with them after we defeat Buggy.'

"Since we're in quite a tight situation right now. We've gotta come up with a plan." Said Zoro, cutting Nami's thoughts short.

"Yes, I agree." Nami replied. 'The boy looks quite young, yet he's already stronger than the entire Buggy force... it would definitely benefit her to team with them. Although...'

Nami turned towards the swordsman again. She squinted her eyes before asking, "you look oddly familiar.. what's your name?"

"Have I not introduced myself? I'm Zoro, a former bounty hunter." Nami's eyes sparkled in recognition. Them showing up on this island and saving her must've been fate.

"I think we're getting off track here. Just a warning, I sense someone heading towards us." Luffy's remark snapped the both out of their conversation, and they quickly sprinted outside.

They came face to face with the largest lion they've ever seen. Squeals of shock and fear came from Nami as she gaped at the large animal towering over her.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Underneath the large lion, stood a confident little dog who was barking at the beast without an ounce of fear.

"ShuShu! Stop it." A desperate old man shouted from the sidelines.

"What's this dog doing here?" The trio seems to have just realised someone was on the lion.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

The dog, ShuShu, didn't seem to give up even when it's opponent was both stronger and larger than him. Luffy liked the dog's dedication.

The lion raised its paw and smashed it right down onto the dog, creating a small hole in the ground. Everyone gasped and stared as the smoke slowly subsided.

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