Chapter 6

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PART II: The experiments

Modus looks at Barlons unconscious body.

“Barlon c’mon…wake up.” He says. “Somethings wrong.”

He struggles in his restraints, hoping and praying that at somepoint at least one will give way, letting him escape, but it never happens.

“Come on…!” He says while straining himself trying to free himself.

Then, the screen turns back on to another tape, Modus look snack at the screen, scared for what could happen next. Whats on the new tape is the same man from the first tape, sitting down in an empty room, just staring at the screen.

“This is Troden Remio, I am currently recording this tape exactly 3 months, 49 days and 5 hours after the first. I’m scared. It has been exactly 12 months and 2 weeks since my newest creation, “Reagan” entered the comatose state.” He says

Modus continues to watch the tape, his face frozen with a look of shock and slight fear.

“As of right now, she shows no sign of waking up, even after the 18 month mark, I fear she will be another failure. This brings me great sadness as she would’ve been the perfect friend for Modus. It would be awful if I had to be the one to tell him that Reagan failed.”

Modus’ face becomes more shocked and fearful, his eyes widening more.

“I will update this log with results of the experiment. End tape.” He says finally before the tape once again ends and the screen goes to black.

Modus stares at the screen blankly for a little while longer, before once again looking over at Barlon, who is still sleeping.

“BARLON!!” Modus yells at him. “BARLON WAKE THE HELL UP!!”

Suddenly, Barlon shoots up.

“HUH!? WHAT!?” He shouts, looking around in fear, before calming down slightly and catching his breath.

“Where…where the hell are we?” He says while panting and looking around, wiping sweat from his forehead.

“I have no idea, but I’m getting the feeling I’ve been here before.” Modus replies.

Barlon looks over at him.

“Been here before? When? And how?” Barlon asks.

“I was forced to watch these…tapes? I’m not sure, they looked pretty old. But…I saw me, or at least, a younger me.” Modus replies.

“Man, what are you talking about…” Barlon says, before laying back down.

Suddenly, the screen turns back on, it's unintelligible, the camera is extremely shaky, sirens and yelling heard. Then, the camera pans up to the man from before, looking extremely terrified.


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