Chapter Twenty-Two: Whispers

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"Shh, don't wake them up." I hear whispers coming from behind me. "They look so cute like this."

All of a sudden, I was moving. Oh no, that's just Chance. "Guys, shh. She had a rough night."

I felt a hand move along my back, it was comforting; I could almost fall asleep again.

"What did that fiend do to her?" A voice asked, it was obviously Nicole by the name calling. "I mean, I will go and show him not to mess with her."

"Did Klo tell you guys about what is happening to Brayden." He said, holding me a little tighter. You could tell that he was getting a little bit more quiet. "Okay, well I had signed up to give him my heart. She's really upset that he was going to take it and that I would leave her per say."

"Oh. The poor girl." I hear Phoebe exclaim, "She loves the both of you, you know? Choosing between the both of you would drive her to eternal crying."

She was now grooming my hair, the same way she does when ever I'm at a very emotional state. "I know. But I love her. I can't stand seeing her in pain." I heard Chance say, it seems kinda hard for him to say that for some reason.

"We know you do." The girls said in unison.

"No, like I'm in love with her." He said, emphasizing every word. "I have been for years now."

I smiled a little, but my face was pressed in the little area next to his neck now. He smells really good for not taking a shower after practice. I bet I know what he would say if he heard my thoughts right now. "Well you know, I naturally smell wonderful. Showers are just a waste of time." But he still would take a shower if I told him to.

"Why would you let her go out with Brayden then you nerd?" Nicole yelled in a whisper, a very hard technique to accomplish. It's funny how many names she can come up with for people, even if they didn't even apply to the person at all. "I can tell that she loves you, she's said it before. I'm sure if you had said something before Brayden had asked her out, she would've said yes to you in a heartbeat."

Chance chuckled, it felt really funny because my hand folded on his chest which was jumping up and down, and my nose was pressed against his neck which was vibrating like a motor. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much I would move." He said, kissing the top of my head and stroking my back with his finger tips.

Phoebe giggled, and I know it was her because her's is probably the most high pitched giggle known to man kind. She stroked my head one last time, and said, "Well, we've gotta eat some of her delicious muffins before we go but we'll leave you guys alone. We'll wait in the back with her tortoise, you can lie with her and when she wakes up you are telling her that you aren't giving your heart to him okay?"

Chance didn't answer her, but I could hear footsteps growing faint, implying that they walked away giving him the stink eye.

"I'm not leaving you just yet, beautiful." He assured me, even if he didn't know I was awake. But I felt like he needed to know I heard him, so I reached up and kissed him on his jaw line. It has a really clean cut, just to clarify to anyone wondering. "Klo? You were awake?"

I smiled, even if he couldn't see from this angle, "Yes and I'm glad I was."

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