Chapter two.

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I've never squished my eyes closer faster. Expecting to see a bloodied mess of her organs splatted onto the wall behind me, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and a deep voice “open your eyes” Natt told me, leaning on my shoulder. His weight pushing down on me.

I felt so small.

His breathe was cold, the unwelcomed presence on my neck.

“Fuck, anger issues much?” What. I slowly opened my eyes to see the woman still leaning against the counter, smashed glass covering the concrete and some small cuts on her arms from where the glass had taken its revenge. “Your either a really bad shot, or you just love me pinkie” She said taunting Seiko, how could anyone be so calm? Someone just tried to shoot her, a friend none the less. Glass shards were logged into her and she was smirking? Who, no what is this women. I started to question everything. Drowning out the sound of talking while spiraling into my own thoughts, the only thing stopping me from fully discontenting from reality was his weight, his breathe was an uncomfortable reminder that I wasn't at home, I wasn't eating my mothers horrible cooking while laughing with my dad over how she can't cook. I should've taken it for granted, one day your mother will cook your final meal. And then you'll never have the taste of home and love. People who would ever love me, who would ever support me.  And then Natt removed his weight from me and his heavy footsteps fulled my hearing.

“Well we seemed to have traumatized the poor thing, and here I was thinking that you were the nice one Seiko” Natt tuanted her a huge smile on his face that never changed no matter the circumstances.

“Oh shit” her voice was filled with worry, she whipped her head around to see my shaking body. “Oh god” she muttered. Running towards me and embracing me with the biggest hug whispering under her breathe sounds I couldn't make out. It sounded foreign, as if she was speaking another language. One I was yet to learn. The only words I understood was the repeated cursing in English. “Are you alright? I'm so so sorry, I forgot you were there, I forgot you didn't understand how life works yet, I'm sorry” She looked up at me sorrow clearly fulling her eyes. She lightly grabbed my hand and ushered me out. “Natt, I'll be back just let me deal with this” she yelled as she took me with her. Out the bar, and into the carpark.

She took a seat on the pavement, tapping the spot next to her. I obliged and sat down next to her. Again she spoke “I'm sure you must be confused, and well horrified. Because what normal person wouldn't be?” She started “You got any questions? Promise I'll answer all genuinely and I wont get angry again. I've had my fair share of being pissed off today”

“Why are you here?” I muttered, nothing felt real. So what was the point of being cautious? It doesn't matter even if she gets angry she'll just shoot me and it'll all be over quick.

“Here? As in..?” She question

“As in this mafia, as in with Natt. As in why do you have a gun? As in what the fuck” I blurted out

“Well, Natt saved me. He's the reason why my life is better now. And well the gun? I'm apart of a dangerous line of work I'm on like eight different hit lists. Pretty sure the government wants my head” she chuckled

“Saved you?”

“My father's an asshole, and my mother never wanted me. One night he got too drunk and forced himself on her. I suppose she hated me because I'm a reminder of him, a reminder of what he's done to her.” She told me, she didn't seem phased while saying this. She had clearly accepted the fact that she wasn't wanted or needed back home. It made sense to me why she'd join a place where she was needed. Even if the place wasnt right, wasn't fit for children like her.

“Oh” I couldn't exactly think of anything else to say. It's not common for people to say everything abt them just like that, and with such little care.

“Yeppers, anyway anymore questions?”

“What the fuck is the blonde girls problem” this one wasn't really a question, just a statement.

“Literally not a clue, she's cocky just cause Misha likes her. She's his favourite whore I suppose. It's why I can't just shoot her and get it over with”

“Well I suppose that makes sense but who's Misha? And why does he matter?”

“Misha is Natt’s father, and well the, suppose you'd say leader of this whole organisation. He only took an interest in me cause he likes ruining kids mental state, some kink or something?”

“Natt has a dad? I always kinda plugged him for the orphan type” I was starting to become more comfortable with her, it felt like it was only us too in the world and that felt comforting. She was sweet, even if a little bit insane but she protected me. Made me feel loved and supported, the phrase rose tinted glass truly wasn't a lie, I was willing to ignore everything she had done because of the few acts of kindness she had showed me.

“Yes I have a dad” a deep voice spoke from behind us, Seiko's head flipped around and quickly got onto her feet. Well fuck. I thought.

He dragged his feet along the concrete, his hair flew messily around due to the wind, he still had not had the dignity to put on his tank top. Seiko stared at him, unwavering. Uncaring. There was a faint outline of warmth around her body from the blinding lights of the club, it made her look angelic in a way. A way I couldn't describe.

Natt stood before me, looking down as I sat leg crossed. My light brown trainers scuffed on the gritty floor, I was told they matched my eyes by many people, they were my pride and joy. Arguably the best thing I owned.

"You look pitiful" he gestured towards me, eyeing me up and down. "Look, you clearly don't know what's happening or what the rules are, and that's perfectly fine. You have a week before my next meeting with the chairman. Let's fix ya up shall we?" .

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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