Chapter one.

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"hey, it's me Natt, remember me?" A tall boy, hair darker than the night sky couched into front off me, I couldn't see his face, his hair covering just a little over the tip off his nose a friendly grin being the clue on how he felt. "Hellooo?" He asked again this time impatience slipped ever so slightly into his tone, his smiled widened showing a singular dimple as he slowly got closer, close enough to feel his breath on my face.

"I, uhh hello" you could tell I had been crying from how my voice was shaken in a mix off fear and despair, if my tear stained eyes weren't the first indication.

Backing away ever so slightly he smiled "Well hello to you too! How have you been? It's been sooo long" He questioned in a playful manner.

"My parents are dead." I chocked. My body going limp on the concrete floor of the alley. The street lamps were smashed, glass painting the floor. Only the dim light of a nearby house showing my body off, the blood stained trembling fingers.

"Wha" He sounded surprised

"It was a mafia style hit aswell, I just don't understand what I've done to deserve this" the tears started gushing out for the 3rd time today. I felt so hopeless, so goddamn pathetic. Everything I had spent the last 16 years off my life on was shattered. Actually shattered isn't the word I'd use, shattered gives the idea that you can peice something back together. Everything had been demonised into nothing more than dust no better than a grain off sand.

"Oh wow the mafia? That must be horrible" Natt was emotionless, his face blank and tone dead. I could only imagine what his eyes looked like right now, I don't think I'd be able to handle cold eyes starring back at me in this moment.

"I have nothing" My voice lowered to nothing louder than a mouse. Pausing for a secound "Do you have a gun?"

For the first time this entire conversation he giggled a little a small genuine smile creeped onto his face "what are you gonna do? Shoot yourself? End it all now nothing is left for you?" he grabbed my chin pointing it upwards so I could look him in the face "are you? C'mon Niles I have idea that could help us both. Trust me, I helped you when noone else would. It's us against the world. I am ALL you have" his grin widened to something inhuman

I was scared , real fear. Who was this man? What was he? Why did he care so much about me? Dispite everything in me telling me not to trust him, that he was dangerous. Well sometimes fear is better than loneliness

"I.. um uh what do u uh mean by that?" I questioned, I know damn well I shouldn't question. I should just turn him down and eat some posinous mushroom and slowly await death.

"Join me!" His grin spread to his eyes, yellow teeth on full display

"Join you?"

"Don't tell me you don't know I'm in the mafia?" He chuckled

"Wha..?" I shuffled backwards onto for my head to hit into a dusty brick wall "d-did you..." my voice lowered "kill them?"

"Niles.." his smile faded and his voice sounded sad? Sympathetic? No that wasn't it, I don't think that man can be capable off such emotions. "I would NEVER hurt you" he placed his hand on my shoulder, they where cold, they didn't even feel human. "Please trust me Niles, if the mafia did kill your parents I wasn't responsible... I will kill that bastard who did dont you worry your pretty little head" Ah that was it, it was a lie. He doesn't feel sympathy for me, he just wants an excuse to kill someone.

But what choice do I have? It's death or possibly revenge for my parents. I can trust natt right? He helped me escape from jail. He saved my life, he can't be a bad person?

I slowly stood up and natt quickly jolted up a giddy kick in his jump.

"Your such a good boy, you know that? You know I'm here for you? Right?"

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