Chapter 14

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Holy shit sorry I meant to get this done the same day I posted chp 13 but I got really busy and had a little bit of writer's block :,( But it's finally here! And we're definitely getting somewhere with the story, kinda branching away from the 98 series for a minute. Hope you enjoy it!WARNING: Minor sensual talk/actions?? From Elendira?? It's really brief and completely one-sided 👍 (In this part of the series I imagine she's aged to look like an adult now, as she is in the 98 series. This isn't the same child from Stampede.) 

Girlboss? No. Girl, Run!

"Mr. Vash!" Milly called. Meryl tried to take a step in his direction but was stopped cold.

"Stay back!" He shouted. "Stay away from me."

He sluggishly walked away. If he wanted to keep them safe he would have to break his vow. ...Right?

"That is not Vash. The way he's acting... that's not him," Meryl tearfully claimed. "He's walking away. If we let him leave now, he'll probably never come back."

"I don't think we can stop him," Milly shot her partner a concerned look. "The way he's acting, I don't think anyone can. Not even (Y/n)."

Meryl stiffened. Oh my god. Oh my god! (Y/n)! Where is she!? The ravenette whirled around, painfully so given the pain in her leg. She might've twisted her ankle.


She grabbed Milly's shoulders abruptly, giving her a panicked stare, "Where is (Y/n)!? Where was our hotel!?"

Now realizing that you were missing, Milly also wore a panicked expression. They both desperately hoped that you were still there, hiding in their room and away from all the danger.

They didn't know just how wrong they were.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•


"Oh great, she's not dead," a shrill voice groaned.

Thanks for the confidence, you sarcastically thought back. Your mouth felt too dry to say any real words, not that you wanted to since the voice sounded very disappointed you were alive.

You groggily opened your eyes, blinking away the film of sleep. You were.. somewhere. It was all unfamiliar, but it looked like some kind of intricate building. You were sprawled out on some small steps, which if you craned your neck upwards to see, led to a platform containing a sort of... throne? Fancy stone chair? Did that count as a throne? You sat up, noticing the dried blood coating the stairs under you.

Oh. You got hurt. How did you get hurt? Where was Vash? Where the hell were you? You grabbed the side of your aching head. Your mind felt fuzzy - numb even. What the hell happened to you?

Your gaze was forcefully tipped upward from the bloody stairs. (E/c) eyes met yellow ones.

Oh, right. This motherfucker shot you right after you shot him. And then he kidnapped you while you bled out. It was honestly a wonder you were still alive; you've done this dance before, and it almost hadn't ended well.

"Good morning, Starlight," Legato smiled falsely. In return, you gave him a weak glare.

Your vision had cleared considerably now, although it was still a bit hazy from the lack of blood in your system. You were... in a church? With a weird throne and a-

Oh. That. That's a dead plant resting above an organ. It was situated just behind the throne, so it was easy to miss at first if you weren't directly looking for it. But if that was here did that mean you were in the lab from JuLai's central tower? Was Doctor Conrad here, too?

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