"Woah... I ain't know you get strict around here like that." He said as I heard him readjusting himself in his seat, and I shook my head without providing him with a verbal response, my silence is loud enough for that ass. "Right, I apologize. So, do tell me concerning what I told you about those very vivid dreams a brother been having, do I have any penance, Mother?" He asked me as he waited for my response.

I refrained myself from making a slick comment about how well he's behaving when I scolded him, one of the many things he's lacking when his big ass been growing up. One of the many things I have learnt while practicing for the first months was how to be patient throughout whatever typa person I have to deal with. And it took a lot for me to succeed in this one, because I hate when motherfuckers try my patience, but that's what most people seem to be doing, especially this negro in front of me. I've never been happier with the fact that there's a veil separating us, cause if not, a brother would've had this sister breaking a few ground rules.

"I don't think that's necessary." I told him because having dreams ain't that deep until he wanna start acting on them. I know that some clergy still followed the old rules for penance, I wasn't the type to say "say two Hail Mary's and call me in the morning after it" typa person, they got the wrong one with that.

Shawn's sins came from his restlessness, his ego and pride issues, and his superiority complex that most males deal with, and no amounta Rosary-clutching would change anything if he isn't willing to address his deeply rooted causes. I know that, because I dealt with similar nonsense before, and I still do from time to time. But also, frankly speaking, I ain't in the mood to play his therapist today, I'm aleady tired as it is.

I sighed as I felt myself coming up with solutions or something to give him that would start the mentioned process for him, I hate how I look after everybody. I sighed as I spoke up once again. "No penance, but I do have a small assignment for you. I want you to sit down with yourself for a while and think about your life. Think about two important moments that shaped you, and one that broke you and made you lose your real passion for whatever it was that you dreamt of doing. I can tell you don't like being in church, and only started coming around here once I, as your friend, took this position. I am not judging you, nor am I reprimanding you, but all I have to say is that you don't have to fake it here. That one above there knows what's deep in your heart, and you don't need to overdo it. Navigate through what I told you, and come back next time to tell me if your faith is as solid as you claim, or is it only the reassurance I provide you with while minimalizing whatever it is you do is what you keep looking for every time." I told him calmly in my composed voice, while letting him take in my every word. My degrees sure do come in handy at times like these.

Shawn didn't answer me no more, but I could hear him breathing. Thinking. I could practically hear the wheels turning in his head at my words.

Final prayers and a final blessing, and Shawn was gone down the same road he came from, probably to his studio to diss me in a song that'll break a few records after he puts it out. Aw, well, it ain't gonna be the first time he does this to me anyway.

I checked my Rolex to make sure that the time was up, then started lifting up the veil, but the clacking of heels against the wooden floor made me stop dead in my tracks. And soon enough, that wasn't the only thing that made me cease all movements, but the sight of some caramel skinned shining legs adorned in black stilettos, and that perfume... That perfume smelled divine, like something outa here.

I swallowed harshly as I sent a quick prayer to the Lord above there. If this is your way of getting me back for all the shit I do that you know of, you might be winning this round old man.

Focus Beyoncé, I ordered myself. Right, focusing now. I dropped the dark red veil down as I heard her taking a seat, my senses suddenly becoming hyper aware of her presence. She cleared her throat, signaling that she was giving herself a mini prep talk to start talking, or that she's nervous about it.

"I, uh... I've never done this before." Her voice was low enough to drag me closer to where she was sounding. This ain't good for me.

"But... I guess I have to say that I have something for you to hear, and for me to confess, Priestess." She said in her sultry voice, and I almost groaned out loud at how she pronounced that, sinful. Great Lord of what's pure and holy, help your poor child out.


So, Priestess Knowles is in full motion! 🙊

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So, Priestess Knowles is in full motion! 🙊

A different world and aesthetics, yessuh! 🤧💕

- Beyoncé as a priestess and her character? The way she handles everything regarding her religion? 🙊

- Shawn being one of the church's visitors? Him and Beyoncé's relationship?🥱

- THEE mystery woman coming inside last minute? And making Beyoncé lose it a little bit?👀 (Chile she done jinxed herself about God not testing her yet idk)

PLEASE vote, comment, and share. 🐇💕

Selma, xoxo. 💋💕

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