Just an intern part 1 (Gyro X reader)

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Being a young chick and moving to Duckburg on your own was a big deal at the time. It felt really good, everything was planned. No surprise there I had three months to get ready.

Just what you expect from a student.

But as it happens there are certain things in life that are not predictable...

"Sorry we had to close the building, mold infestation"

...or unavoidable.

You can imagine how we all looked with our luggage at the owner. He offered a place to stay for the time being. Which turned out to be a room of ten students cramped inside. What a great way to start your first day in Duckburg.

Changes had also happened in an underground lab. Fenton had promised Manni to get his well-deserved vacation without discussing this with Dr. Gearloose. The yelling was heard all the way up to the money bin.

Gryo was beyond furious, "Mr mac Duck expects this invention to be done by the end of the week and you send my intern on holiday?!"

Fenton offered himself but was immediately turned down, "You just flooded the city with your idea last week... literally". He wanted to protect the city from floods and added walls to the shore. The transport didn't go as planned and the walls fell into the lake nearby flooding most buildings on their way. It might not have been the case, if he wouldn't have transported them as Gizmoduck.

Gryo groaned in frustration, "I need a new intern and fast." He gave Fenton the task to get him an intern. The requirements are simple to understand: Anyone who is not him.

In the meantime I watched the flood incident on the news. We were furious that we weren't told about this earlier. But then we had other worries to think of. Mine was to get a part-time job tomorrow. The small cleaner job wasn't worth it as the wages are too low. Without the current changes it wouldn't be such a great deal.

Fenton was sent home early to find a new intern in the morning. His mom was surprised to see her son so soon "Are you fired?"

"No mama. I got an important job tomorrow"

"What kind of job?"

"A new intern for Dr. Gearloose."

His mom raised a brow,"What about that horse?"

Fenton told her everything that happened and sat beside her "Mama, if you had to find an intern for the police...where would you look?"
She laughed at that, "Simple, ask students. I would go to the police academy to find good interns."

"I think Duckburg got one University. Thank you Mama"

The next day I had to meet this very duck at the coffee shop. Fenton wanted to get some coffee only to trip and pour it all over my shirt. It got embarrassing as he tried to dry it with tissues. He apologised the whole time until I hoped to never see this weirdo again. I apologized to the disappointed owner for not attending my job as a cleaner.

At uni my eyes went over the black board for jobs. Until a familiar hand blocked my view.

"Sorry I need this spot for a sec."

I sighted loud, "You again. Do you have to be here?"

He smiled innocent, "As a matter of fact I do. I got a job offer."

Look at it I shrugged, "It's unpaid?"

"No, no, it is a paid position" suddenly he mumbled under his breath, "...why wasn't mine paid?"


He waved his hands in defense "Nothing! You're interested?"

Taking another look, "For science students only"

The idea sounded interesting but I was an art and design student. Fenton's eyes got big like that of a puppy. I narrowed my eyes, "Stop it."

"So you want it?"

Frubbing my arm is unsure I asked, "How much do you pay?" I was a lot but not enough to pay rent. Surprisingly Fenton listened patiently as I told him my situation.

"Oh I can help you with your rent problem too."


Fenton told me to trust him and I demanded to have this promise in writing. Rather safe than sorry. At least I didn't have to pay any rent for that ten people room at the moment. Which left one thing open: not a science student.

Okay...I lied at this point.

That duck was happy and offered me to be at the lab in the late evening. I nodded at that, " I look forward to work with you, ehhh."

"Fenton. But I am not you work with. You're the intern of the famous Dr. Gearloose."

"Ah ...who's he?"

Already a bad start. Not only did I lie at him, but also work with someone else who is a famous inventor. My knees didn't stop trembling inside the elevator.
My heart was racing for survival as Fenton held my shoulder for comfort, "No need to be scared. Dr. Gearloose is a nice guy once you get to know him."

Which was hard to imagine as the door opened. On the other side stood Gryo with narrowed eyes, "Is that the new intern?"

Talking about making a first impression. I held out my hand nervously, "H-h-hi I'm ..."

Gryo didn't shake it, he just turned on his heel and gestured to me to follow, "I don't care...come on intern we got work to do."
Fenton gave me two thumbs up for good luck.

For the rest of the night I tried my best to be a good intern and listened to his every order. Thankfully this little bulb thingy helped me choosing the right tools or gesturing which screen to look at. By the end of the day I thanked the little robot for their help. Gyro was quite strict and hated to be interrupted by anyone... especially by me and Fenton. But all in all the job was fine.

"Okay intern you can go home."

That reminds me. I walked with Dr. Gearloose to Fenton who was working on his next invention. Gryo told him to go home as I interrupted,"Fenton about the rent issue..."

He nodded quickly, "Ah yes about that..."

I stomped my feet, Was this a trick to get me here?!"

"No, no, no..." He said before talking to Gryo," ...Dr. Gearloose has a spare room you could rent."

"Rentahabarubah?!" He was completely lost at this.

Fenton backed off quickly as Gryo stepped forward, "You said you got a house all to yourself".

"That doesn't mean I rent any rooms!!!"

Angry I joined in, "You told me that you have a solution to my problem!" I showed Fenton that he promised me in written form. Gyro looked at it curious, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you?"

Fenton begged him not to think of that, while begging me at the same time for forgiveness. How can I? I looked at Gyro disappointed,
"Sorry Dr. Gearloose, under this circumstance I have no choice but to give up my position as an intern."


I didn't expect him to be shocked or even close to panic. I assumed I was a good intern as he started to walk in circles, "You cannot leave now. The project has to be finished. Okay your work is only average, slow and I have to tell you everything every five minutes but that is not the point!"

Flatter me why don't you, I thought.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the elevator, "You need a place to stay? Fine! But you will stay my intern...at least till next week." We left an irritated Fenton behind.

The elevator closed and it got deadly silent in there. I tried to break the ice, "I am Y/N and you are?"

Gyro sighted not looking at me, "Not interested and I am Dr. Gearloose to you." At least the little light bulb jumped from Gryo's shoulder to mine and gave me a handshake.

"She is just an intern little bulb."

I frowned, "At least he is friendly."

Living under the same roof as this guy will be harder than I thought.

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