🕷️Chapter 6:Deals with Spiders🕷️

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(Present day,The kitchen)
Dandelion was cooking Sentinel and the other autobot's breakfast being in pure bliss cause after 15 days of knowing each other they were finally together.
She must have done something right!
She then looked at Sentinel who was giving her a shoulder massage as she cooked.
"You are just too beautiful." Sentinel said.
"Thank you." Dandelion said giving him a kiss on the hand,making him blush.
"Heh..no problem." Sentinel said with a smirk as he walked away.
"What's got him so happy?" Optimus asked Ratchet.
"I don't know,I've never seen him this happy in all my stellar cycles of life." Ratchet said.
"Perhaps Dandelion's affection is taking a toll on him." Prowl said.
"I dunno,I've never seen him act like that before." Optimus said.
"Hey as long as he's not yelling at us it's a positive." Bumblebee said,making Dandelion sigh.
"Can't you guys let him be happy without gossiping?" Dandelion asked as she put the plates down and walked away.
"Stupid morons,always gossiping about one thing or another,Optimus and his crew need to keep there servos out of it." Dandelion said to herself before she saw four bright red optics staring at her from the darkness outside.
"Aww the boys bugging you girl?" The female voice asked.
"Yeah,at least Optimus is." Dandelion said.
"Oh those boys they can be such pains in the neck,do tell me who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Dandelion." Dandelion said.
"Oh you must be Sentinel's new girlfriend?~ Tell me,is he good to you? Does he treat you like gold and silver?" She asked.
Dandelion nodded blushing a bit.
He's the best man I could ask for. Dandelion thought.
"Well girl I hate to tell you but..I know you're secret." She said making Dandelion gasp.
"How did you know I was.." Dandelion whispered enraged that someone found out.
"Eh doesn't matter the point is,Sentinel hates organics,absolutely hates them,but I'll make you a deal,you help me I'll help you,you see I was in this accident and I became a rather ugly looking thing,A techno organic if you will,and if you help me find a cure and turn me back to a normal cybertronian i can come up with a forumula to make you cybertronian permenately before you're little formula wears off,so..do we have a deal?" She asked holding out her clawed hand for a handshake.
Dandelion nodded shaking her hand and heading outside through the window.

-End of chapter.

Written In Stars -A TFA fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now