🌼Chapter 9:The secret revealed🛡️

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(Present day,Blackarachnia's base)
"Sentinel..I can explain.." Dandelion sobbed.
"Dandelion..what is going on..why didn't you.." Sentinel said seeming confused as he crouched down to her height.
"I lied to you.." Dandelion sobbed as Sentinel held her close to his chest,ignoring the fact he was holding and touching a organic.
"Dandelion dear,just tell me what is going on..I'm so confused.." Sentinel said.
"I..I..was a human before I met you,I..I saw you..one day through my bedroom window and I fell in love with you,I..it took me two years but I invented a formula that'd turn me to a Cybertronian so I could be around you,im sorry!" Dandelion sobbed.
Sentinel went quiet.
She..was a organic before?! But she's not sick..she don't have any disease,she isn't killing me from the inside..she's..she's..still normal? Sentinel thought.
"Sh..it's okay..it's okay.." Sentinel said holding her close and gently shushing her,as he realized everything he believed about organics was a bunch of lies.
He then saw Blackarachnia close by.
"Dandelion look out!" Sentinel yelled shoving Blackarachnia out of the way with his shield.
Blackarachnia then laughed and headbutted Sentinel hard. Sentinel shook his head,before Blackarachnia slammed him out of the window.
"Sentinel!" Dandelion yelled in horror as she saw sentinel hit the ground with a hard thud and Blackarachnia fell into a lake.
Dandelion then used a rope to climb out of the base and run towards Sentinel.
He was alive thankfully but knocked out.
"Sentinel! Wake up! Wake up!" Dandelion shook him and eventually Sentinel's optics opened and Dandelion smiled lovingly at him.
"You're okay.." Dandelion mumbled as she laid on his chest.
"Yeah I'm fine.." Sentinel mumbled holding her close before he saw some strange lights in the sky.
"Oh..the northern lights.." Dandelion said with a smile.
"There beautiful." Sentinel said before looking down sadly.
"What?" Dandelion asked.
"I doubt we can be together now.." Sentinel said.
"What do you mean?" Dandelion asked.
"Sweetheart,you're a human I'm a 20ft tall Cybertronian.." Sentinel said bluntly.
Dandelion sighed and nodded.
"Your right.." Dandelion mumbled sadly.
"I don't want to lose you.."  Sentinel mumbled holding her close.
"Neither do I.." Dandelion said unable to hide the pain in her heart.

-End of chapter.

Written In Stars -A TFA fanfic. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن