💙🩵Chapter 4:A Sweet Mistake💙🩵

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(A week later,Sentinel's chambers)
(Warning:🍋Lemon! and robot sex!🍋)
Sentinel groaned as he laid on his bed,he was in heat as most cybertronian's did during a certain time of the month,mating season.
Sentinel was trying to ignore his perverted thoughts and feelings as he thought of Dandelion,blushing heavily as he did.
He then heard a knock at the door.
"Go away!" Sentinel yelled not wanting anyone to see him in this pathetic state.
"Sentinel are you okay?" Dandelion asked.
Sentinel groaned a bit as he tried to ignore the feeling in his panel,the need to mate.
"I'm fine!" Sentinel said trying to ignore his heating cycle.
"You don't sound fine are you sure you're.." Dandelion asked.
Damn it! I can't control it anymore! Sentinel thought.
"Come in!" Sentinel yelled as Dandelion came in.
"You're in your heat cycle..aren't you?" Dandelion asked.
"Ugh..yeah.." Sentinel growled trying to ignore it.
"Would you like some..help?" Dandelion asked reaching over to gently touch him.
Sentinel acting on impulse nodded,Dandelion was the only female close by that he liked and his heat cycle was causing him massive discomfort.
"You sure,cause once we..?" Dandelion asked her face cherry red as if she had fantasied of doing this with him for sellar cycles now.
"Do it already! I don't have all day!" Sentinel said sounding frustrated as his optics stared at her chest,his face flashing red.
(🍋Lemon incoming!🍋)
Dandelion nodded as she opened her panel,revealing her valve to him,causing Sentinel's face to go cherry red.
Sentinel then acted on impulse and pinned her to the bed,grunting as he began to thrust his spike into her valve,hearing her moan and groan in pleasure.
Sentinel LOVED it!
He thrusted even deeper and faster as he continued to pin her to the bed.
"Sentinel! Ah! Oh~!" Dandelion moaned in pleasure.
"Oh do..do you want me to stop? I'm not hurting you right?" Sentinel asked not wanting to force her into anything she didn't want to do.
"No..no..continue!" Dandelion begged.
Sentinel nodded as he slammed his spike into her again causing her to moan louder.
Sentinel chuckled and continued.
"You like that?" Sentinel asked her.
Dandelion nodded.
"I'm gonna..I'm gonna.." Dandelion mumbled before she overloaded with his spike still inside.
Sentinel smirked and pulled his spike out,his heat satisfied for now.
(🍋 Lemon's over!🍋)
Sentinel sighed as he laid on his back with Dandelion cuddling him.
"Are you..in love with me?" Dandelion asked gently.
Sentinel hesitated to answer,thinking about it for a moment as he looked into her optics.
He then nodded.
"Yeah.." Sentinel mumbled.

"I suppose so."

-End of chapter.

Written In Stars -A TFA fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now