Chapter 2: Kanga Games

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One evening, Mew and her friends have finally reached their destination. They've found a place to stay in an area that is a forest area covered in snow.

"We finally made it," Brock says.

Misty shivers, "Brrr. It's freezing out here."

"It's so cold out here," Tomo says.

"Yeah. We better get inside and get warm," Mew says.

"Pika," (I agree.) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Vee," (Let's hurry inside.) Eevee says.

The group then hurries inside to get warm.

Later that night, Mew and her friends and their Pokemon are fast asleep while outside begins to snow.

The next day, the sun is shining bright, and the Pokemon Center cabin is silent. Mew and her friends are fast asleep in bed. Climbing out of the sleeping beds are Pikachu and Eevee. They both climb out as they let out a yawn. Pikachu suddenly notices something outside and hurries over. He hops on a table and looks outside the window.

"Pika!" (Wow!) Pikachu says in astonishment.

Eevee soon follows after and is amazed to see a wonderful sight.

Through the window, the forest and the mountain area have been covered in a large blanket of snow.

"Pika Pika!" (It snowed! It snowed!) Pikachu says, excited.

Then Eevee says, "Eevee Eevee!" (Let's go check it out!)

Pikachu and Eevee hurry to the door to check out the snow. Pikachu soon begins to open the door.

Meanwhile, the other Pokemon begin to wake up: Togepi, Pichu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Vulpix, Geodude, Meloetta, Skwovet, and Psyduck.

Pikachu rushes out as he calls out, "Pikachu!" (Come on, everyone!)

"Eevee Eevee!" (Let's go outside!) Eevee says and follows Pikachu.

Soon, the Pokemon peek out through the entrance. Psyduck ends up falling on everyone, causing them to fall over. Soon, everyone is amazed to see the snow.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika!" (Come on!)

"Eevee!" (Let's play!) Eevee calls out.

With that, all the Pokemon hurry outside to play in the snow. Psyduck ends up falling on his face. Soon, everyone begins to play in the snow. Soon, Onix comes over, and some snow falls on Pikachu.

Sometime later, Pikachu, Eevee, Togepi and Pichu begin to walk in the snow. Togepi and Pichu see their footprints in the snow. They happily move around and make footprints. Togepi and Pichu hurry off to have fun when they come across some footprints.

"Toge Togep?" (What made these?) Togepi asks.

"Pichu?" (What made them?) Pichu asks.

"Pika Pika Ka Ka," (These are Squirtle Footprints.) Piakchu says imitating Squirtle.

Togepi and Pichu turn their heads to see that the footprints are indeed Squirtles. He's with Bulbasaur and Onix.

Soon, Pichu notices something and rushes over. The others soon see prints of Psyduck's face. They look ahead to see Psyduck is pressing his face on the snow. Geodude and Psyduck are confused.

Then Togepi and Pichu find a print on the floor, it looks like a snow angel, with long hair.

"Eevee Eevee," (It must be Meloetta.) Eevee says.

The group soon look to see Meloetta lying her back on the snow and is making a snow angel with her arms and legs. Skwovet simply watches and is relaxed.

Pokemon Journeys Winter Special: Pikachu and Eevee's Winter VacationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora