The Letter C

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June 7, 2023

Hey, you might not know who I am but I'm dropping my kids off at your doorstep. You were the only house in the neighborhood without a gate so I took that as an open opportunity to drop my kids off. I can no longer care for them and I feel that you wouldn't harm my kids in any way or should I say your kids. I've watched you over the course of a week and a half and I see how handle things and you get them done. I know the right thing would be to drop them off at a fire station and them go to the state, but it didn't seem safe for me. I've been in the system and I want them to have the best life possible. I've provided every document that you would need, from birth certificate, social security, shot records, and parental rights release forms. They have been notarized and all you and your husband will have to do is sign. I also took it upon myself to have an NDA and a name change form just in case you no longer want them to have the names I have given them. Let's get into the kids really quick before we go back to the other things. You have a one-year-old little boy and his name is Camdyn Grey. His birthday is May 8. He is the most calm kid you will ever meet. He's a sour patch kid but he warms up to strangers really quickly. He hasn't started talking yet but he has been babbling. He has some teeth and he's allergic to grass and peanuts. His favorite thing to eat is strawberries and he loves to be up under women. He's been a charmer and he will always put a smile on your face. Next, we have your baby girl Camille Dream. She was born on March 7th. She just turned 3 months old today. She rarely cries and I think she will steal your heart. She was breast and formula-fed. I put the cans I had in her suitcase next to her car seat. Her stroller also fits her and her brother. I also put some clothes in their suitcase. She does have eczema and I have her cream in the book bag that's on Camdyn's back. He has an iPad. I haven't had her an allergy test done yet but that's your responsibility now. By the time you are reading this, I am long gone. All you have to do is turn the papers into the court and you will have full guardianship. You won't have to worry about their dad coming to try to get them because he is no longer living. He died the same day Camille was born. Neither his family nor my family will be a problem. I lost myself when he died and I couldn't give my kids a good life if I was suffering. Life was hard with two under two and only one parent, I had no village. Once you turn those papers into the court it will be like I disappeared. Please take care of my kids because I will no longer be walking this earth. Please be the best mommy that I would ever be. Please raise my kids as your own. Give them the love I could no longer give. Kiss my kids for me.

love, nobody existing.

Fatima read over this letter twice as she looked at the kids. They are adorable and they look like they were in the best care possible. Fatima thought about all the how she could raise these kids.

She looked down at her leg and Camdyn was hugged on it babbling. She offered him a warm smile and he reached his arms out so that she could pick him up. She picks him up and he buries his face into Fatima's neck.

Fatima saw Zac pull into the driveway and she flagged him, he came rushing over to assist.

Fatima saw Zac pull into the driveway and she flagged him, he came rushing over to assist

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