The Dark of Both Sides

Start from the beginning

Tonks spoke up, "I will side with you and your twin, Hades," I nodded with a smile at the shapeshifter.

Choruses of agreement came from the other occupants of the room, they agreed that neither was fit to be in charge of anything. They had went against the very forces of magic, nature and creatures.

"We need to go and get my boys," Cyran spoke up, "They are still with Molly and who knows what that woman has done," You could tell Arthur's creature hated Molly as well.

I smirked, "Ooo, a mission. How do you want to do this Cyran? How many murders are we planning?"

"Were planning quite a few," Cyran said darkly, matching my smirk. "Percy, Ron and Ginny aren't mine, I don't know whose they are, but there not mine. Fred and George however are twin Royal imps that were kidnapped, so it's important we take them."

Time Skip 

The odd house that was the Burrow stood alone in the field,  the light and warmth from Sol was long gone and Luna had made it's accende into the sky it was so close to full tonight. The night was dark and the lights of the house had long since went out. 

The six of us stalked along the fields towards the unprotected house. Cyran had long since learned to get along with the dark wizards he now traveled with, Cyran lead us towards the house where we took up places around it. 

I scaled the house and began to open the Twins window, I carefully opened the window with no noise. But the two red heads were already at the window with their wands drawn and ready. 

"Hades?" Fred questioned, stepping back to let me in. 

"The one and only," I smirked. "I need you both to follow me, your adopted father's rage has been awoken. And only half of your inheritances have come in." They glanced at each other, comunining silently through their bond. 

"We'll grab our things, " They both said in sync, their glamours dropping and their creature forms appearing. The two half imps smirking dangerously in the night. Their levitation spread out throughout the room and gathered up their most important things into an endless bag, the bag however was a house of it's own. That was how they created all their pranks. 

I perched on the roof as the twins climbed out silently and joined me, I spread a pair of feathered black wings and we took off into the sky. The twins hit the ground first on the forest edge. At the sudden silence and distance from the house, both Aka and Onyx appeared as the twins jumped for joy to be, finally away from the place they once called home. 

Onyx jumped onto my head from his spot in my expanding bag with Aka, the bag was made up a mini forest that you could enter. Any creatures that were in danger or need of help I would put them in there so I could take care of them. 

Aka slithered out and onto my shoulders, giving the twins a once over, before nodding and snuggle into the warmth of my neck. 

"I like these two, they smell like mischief!" Onyx yipped happily at the two imps. 

Fred tilted his head to the side, "What did he say?" George looked equally as curious, their wings twitching slightly in anticipation. 

"Onyx said, he looks forwards to causing mischief and he likes you both," I could tell they were happy about this news. 

"This little, "George starts. 

And Fred finished, "Kitsune likes," 

"Mischief?" They both questioned. 

Onyx nodded excitedly from my head. 

I smirked, this would be fun, "Now don't forget to include me and Aka, we both look forward to the trouble we will cause together." 

Cyran chose that moment to let out the signal, a bone chilling howl let loose from the fields, heading this way. 

"Onyx! Do it!" I yelled at the small Kitsune. 

He inhaled sharply and let a huge blast of fire out of his mouth, the house went up in flames and danced in the night. From here you could still screams of traitors over the crackle of fire. 

I grabbed the small creature from off my head and gave him a inferno flower petal, it helped him get his fire back after a huge blast or a battle. 

Cyran came out of the forest splattered in blood and smiling like he had won a million galleons. Fred and George both bristled at the larger creature, long wings stretched along beside him, wolf body and deer coloring covered his body and huge antlers grew from his head. 

"This," I interjected, "Is Cyran Luzana, Royal Soraking and formerly Author," I spat the name, I knew how much he hated it. 

And that's the end of the chapter, sorry I disappeared over Christmas break. On other news I got an infected tooth pulled that gave me no pain after it was pulled, so nice. 

Tell me your fav Christmas gift

Peace Out! ;)

- Azri 

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