I've got a Special Power

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AN- Hello hello hello! Another day another fic!!!!

Heads up, the boys will probably committing many crimes in this fic (to the people to deserve it in their eyes), so they will likely be seen as the bad guys. So basically, a villain au but with merpeople :D
This is just in the universe, so we're not really following the canon storylines from either the H2O Universe, or the DreamSMP universe!

Ranboo goes by they/them/he/him (mainly they/them) pronouns as well!

Also, as usual, this is all based on their CHARACTERS not the people themselves!!!!
Happy reading!!!


Tonight would be perfect! Tommy was absolutely sure of it!

He had his best friends, camping supplies, and they had an entire island to themselves!

Okay, technically, they weren't allowed on the island due to some rumors of 'danger' and 'bad vibes' and 'possible haunting' but come on! It's just an island! They've only seen a single shark on their way over from the mainland, and even then it hasn't been all that bad.

L'manburg was a cool place to live, but the downside about it was that it was a small seaside town, filled with a bunch of people who were mostly stuck up and nosy. Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo have been best friends there for just about two years now.

Tubbo ran from his father (not a great guy) after meeting Ranboo, and when they realized they got along, Ranboo ran from the adoption system and the pair made their way across the states through hitchhiking and pickpocketing. They headed for the sea shore, on the opposite side of where they came from.

As for Tommy... Well, he actually did have a family on the island, he grew up here by the sea, but after meeting Tubbo and Ranboo, the three have been inseparable.

Tommy took a deep breath, taking in the fresh cool night air that the island provided. He dug his toes into the damp sand, smiling at the way the sand cooled his feet.

He spun around with some dramatic flair, "welcome to Logstedshire boys!"

Tubbo rolled his eyes fondly, hopping out of the boat and helping Ranboo drag it onto shore. "I still can't believe that that's the name you decided on."

"It's a good name!"

Ranboo snorted at that, "keep telling yourself that Tommy."

"You simply don't appreciate my superior naming abilities." Tommy pouted, crossing his arms.

"Sure, now help up with setting up camp." Tubbo said, laughter bubbling from his throat as he pulled out a rolled up tent from the bottom of the boat.

Tommy sighed but obliged, helping his friends in grabbing their supplies and helping to pick a nice spot on the beach.

They made sure to avoid any little creature holes, not wanting to accidentally step on a crab or a hidden trove of turtle eggs.

Once deeming a space clear, they went to work to set things up.

Tubbo set off to gather rocks and wood for a fire pit, since he was the strongest of the three (don't tell him that though, it'll go straight to his head). It was funny, Tubbo was the shortest of them all, but he was the strongest, able to lift either Ranboo or Tommy without much strain. One time, he carried Ranboo just about half a mile before he had to stop and take a breather.

Never try to pick up Tubbo though, he will headbutt you. Hard. Tommy learned that the hard way.

Tommy watched as Tubbo trekked into the little patch of woods that resides on the island, the sounds of crickets chirping and the ocean lapping at the shore drowning out the sounds of Tubbo's receding footsteps.

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