It's all about living in the ocean

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Tommy led the way back to the Logstedshire beach, shoving branches and foliage out of his path in his desperate run to get back home. Hoping against all odds that his brothers were hyper focused on their homework and not the fact that Tommy wasn't home.

In his rush, he most definitely had a couple thorns scratch and claw at his arms and legs, and a particularly nasty leaf had definitely left quite the sting on his cheek. His leg also burned as his shark bite scars were opened once more by the sudden stretch and pull of skin and bandage.

He could hear his friends rushing just as quickly right behind him, none of them trying to get him to slow down or calm himself because they were at the same level of worry as he was.

They reached the beach, none of them hesitating as they sprinted into the water, wading against the tide before finally transforming.

Tommy paused to let Aimsey climb onto Ranboo's back, then they were all speeding off once more.

Though this time, as they swam for Tommy's life, a very notable fact was that their speed was actually insane. Much faster than they were before. In fact, there was a weird fucking bubble stream that followed them as they raced. Which didn't make too much sense in the terms of science and logic, but they literally turned into merpeople. A little magic in the form of a bubble stream wasn't the most surprising at this point.

Tommy slowed when they neared their home beach, peaking his eyes above the lazy waves to see their stuff still piled in the sand.

Then two shapes suddenly hopped over the wall of rocks that barricaded the little secret spot he and his friends had claimed as their own. Flashlights bobbed as the two stumbled in the sand, trying to stabilize themselves before they swept their lights across the sand and called in a long series of notes, "Tommy!"

Fuck. That was Grian's voice.

Tommy popped back beneath the waves, his heart palpitating in his chest to a point where it was hard to breathe. He could feel its beats vibrating the water around him, his panic obvious to the entire ocean at this point.

Ranboo had to carefully surface so Aimsey could breathe, but they kept their own face in the water, asking Tommy what was wrong with a quiet series of whistles.

Tommy couldn't reply, not now. All he could do was point in the direction of the beach, panic and fear starting to race through him. Out of all the times he's been late, why did it have to be in a moment where he was a fucking merperson?!

Tubbo gently took Tommy's hand, trying to give him a reassuring nod that everything would be okay. But they all knew that whatever happened next wasn't going to end well.

Tommy took one last deep breath of the salty water around him, knowing that there was a chance that this could be his last time to fully appreciate how the water swirled in his lungs, how the ocean sounded around him. It'd be the last time for a long while at least. He was definitely going to be grounded.

With a sigh, Tommy finally poked his head out of the water, blinking salt out of his eyes as he focused his gaze on the beach.

His brothers were no longer calm. One of them, maybe Techno based on how neat his hair was (it was too dark to see clearly, his brothers were kinda just shadows on the beach at this point), was currently crouched beside the pile of shirts and bags that the four ditched on the beach.

Grian was pacing, frantically searching the beach over and over again, ducking back into the shitty little hideout shack every once in a while to search it for something he could've missed.

"What are we going to tell dad?!" Grian screeched, running a hand through his hair and pulling. "Hey dad, we found Tommy's phone abandoned on the beach and we're pretty sure he either got himself kidnapped or drowned in the freakin' ocean!"

H2O: Just Add ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora