I Discover Something New

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The weirdest thing about Tubbo was his choice of work.

At least, that's what Tommy believed.

The guy decided to work at a smoothie shop of all places, with just about forty different drink recipes memorized and ready to make.

Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo strolled inside the shop. In all honesty, it was a really nice setup. A beach front place, complete with a balcony that had all sorts of couches, armchairs, and table sets for people to lounge around and enjoy their drinks.

Everything was fashioned after a pirate ship, and Puffy, the owner of the establishment, loved to tell a story about how her ship washed up here after she lost it years ago, and she decided to make it into a smoothie shack. (It was most likely a made up tale for the kids, but then again, Puffy was a very interesting character. If proof of her being a pirate suddenly appeared, Tommy wouldn't be surprised by this point).

Tubbo stepped behind the counter, leaving Tommy and Ranboo to take seats at the bar. "Morning Puffy!" Tubbo called as he stepped into the back room, leaving the door open and giving Ranboo and Tommy a peak inside. Puffy was currently sitting at her desk, typing something in on her computer with a calculator and surrounded by paperwork splayed around her work station.

She spun around in her chair, greeting Tubbo with a chipper, "good morning Tubbo!" She caught sight of Ranboo and Tommy at the bar, the both of them sending a wave her way. "And good morning kids!" She stood, dusting off her apron of imaginary dust and making her way to the counter, leaning across the surface casually. "Should I start your usual orders this morning?"

"You know it, Captain Pussy!" Tommy replied with a cheeky grin, earning himself a slap on the shoulder from Ranboo and an exasperated but fond roll of the eyes from Puffy.

"One of these days, I'm going to kick you from my shop for saying that." Puffy threatened half-heartedly. It was familiar, this routine. Tommy found himself relaxing as the familiarity seeped into his bones, his mind finally feeling at ease after all the drama of the morning.

Puffy was one of Tommy's favorite women. She was incredibly cool, owning an entire drink shack on a beach front that was pretty damn popular with the locals. She was a good boss as well, Tubbo absolutely adored her and maybe even looked up to her a bit.

Who wouldn't think she's a badass? With her naturally white and super curly hair that stretched almost to her hip, she was almost reminiscent of a sheep (that's what Tubbo compared her to at least). There was a hidden bit of rainbow hair hidden within the curls, one that normally showed itself when she pulled her hair back into a ponytail or a bun. Puffy had gotten it dyed on a bet once, but had kept it ever since, calling it a 'subtle pride piece'.

Puffy had the vibes of, 'looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you' and that reason alone was enough for people to automatically find themselves drawn to her. She was an interesting character, always decked out in a corset and old timey white button ups, a giant red captain's coat slung over her shoulders. Sometimes she would don her pirate hat, and on those days, you could find her gentle sea green eyes often drawn towards the ocean waves, as if she was reminiscing about something long gone.

The sound of a blender starting up drew Tommy from his thoughts, and he focused on the machine churning a mixture of yogurt, icecubes, orange juice, and honey within.

Puffy peeled and deseeded a mango with terrifying ease, popping it into the blender before spinning around and working on a tea drink, which was most likely Ranboo's. Puffy was a natural in her little drink bar, her movements perfectly timed as she focused on her work.

Before long, she set two drinks in front of Tommy and Ranboo respectively.

"Here you go, my dears! A mango smoothie for Tommy, and a vanilla chai with oat milk and extra sugar for Ranboo."

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