"Your end is near, Daiki," she sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "You're no match for me and my clones."

Nori surged through the swarm of Atsuko's clones, his Mach 2 armor glinting in the sunlight. The ethereal projections provided no resistance as he cut a path straight for his intended target. Hiro frozen, his heart pounding as he realized Nori wasn't going to let anyone walk away from this fight.

"Your plan was flawless," Nori called out, addressing Atsuko who froze at the sound of his voice. "Someone as pathetic as Daiki wouldn't notice, but your clones can't speak. All I had to do was locate your voice."

Atsuko's eyes widened in realization and fear, but it was too late. With a swift movement, Nori summoned his soul scythe and sliced through her, causing both her Mach and body to erupt in a fiery explosion.

"NO!" Hiro screamed, his voice breaking with anguish.

The clones faded from existence, leaving only Daiki and Nori on the battlefield. Hiro remained motionless, his mind reeling from the consequences of their actions. Another person had died in order to destroy a Mach – was the cost truly worth it?

"The Japanese can't even control their own pilots," Daiki smirked, not sharing Hiro's conflicted thoughts. He aimed his soul pistol at Hiro, taking advantage of his distraction.

"Watch out, Hiro!" Nori shouted as he registered Daiki's action.

Hiro barely had time to react before a blast rocketed toward him. Without hesitation, Nori placed himself between Hiro and the shot. The energy collided with Nori's armor, sending sparks flying.

"Nor-Nori! Why?" Hiro stammered, his voice wavering with emotion. The reality of the situation weighed heavily on him. Nori had just sacrificed himself to save his life.

"Because it's the right thing to do," Nori replied, his voice strained but resolute. "This guy doesn't deserve to kill you."

"Is this what the government wanted when they created Machs." Hiro thought, his internal turmoil growing stronger. "Death and destruction following them everywhere."

"Focus, Hiro," Nori urged, sensing his hesitation. "You have to deal with Daiki now."

"Right," Hiro agreed, mustering the determination to carry on. The fight was far from over, and he couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment any further.

"Daiki, this ends now," Hiro declared, his voice steady and resolute.

Nori's Mach shuddered, a web of cracks spreading across its surface as the blast took its toll. "System failure imminent," his AI warned, its synthetic voice calm despite the dire situation.

"Get away from him, Daiki! I don't want to have to kill you," Hiro shouted, darting forward to reach his friend. But Daiki was faster, positioning himself between Hiro and Nori, using the injured Mach as a shield.

"Kill me? You won't kill the man who risked his life for you?" Daiki sneered, unaware that Hiro had made a vow never to take a life.

"Let him go, Daiki. I'll come back to the Embassy without a fight, I promise," Hiro offered, desperation seeping into his words.

"Ha! A noble offer, but no," Daiki spat, his eyes blazing with madness. "Today, true justice will be served. I am judge, jury, and executioner!" He gestured at the destruction around them, the result of their battle. "You've made a fool of me, and for that, you will all pay."

Hiro clenched his fists, his heart pounding in his chest. Could he really break his vow, end a life to save others? Daiki was clearly unhinged, a ticking time bomb of rage and destruction. But could he live with the guilt?


Meanwhile, on the ground below, the Japanese military swarmed around the Canadian Embassy, evacuating civilians and news crews. The once-peaceful scene had transformed into a war zone, and it was clear that Canada had violated their treaty with Japan by hiding Mach weapons within their Embassy.

"Target locked," a soldier reported, aiming a missile at the chaotic battle above. They didn't know if it would even dent the advanced armor of the Machs, but they had no choice but to try.

"Warning: Incoming missile," Hiro's AI announced, jolting him back to the present. The military had locked onto him and were preparing to fire.

"Think, Hiro. You need a solution," he muttered to himself, scanning the battlefield for any advantage. Daiki's grip on Nori tightened, his eyes wild with the thrill of impending violence.

"Time's up, Hiro. Choose: your life or his," Daiki taunted, his finger hovering over the trigger of his soul pistol.

"Fine!" Hiro shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. "Kill me, but know that someone else will eventually rise up to stop you,"

"Goodbye then, Hiro," Daiki said coldly, aiming squarely at Hiro's heart.

"You idiot, you kill Mach one and I still have enough power to kill you before you can turn you dumbass gun on me," Nori barked and half laughed. " Don't you get it he wants you turn your attention on him so I can take you out!"

Daiki was filled with doubt, was this the actual plan? But they why would the rogue Mach give it up so easily? His pistol lowered as he tried to figure out what exactly was going on here.

"Get out of here, Hiro. Leave," Nori managed through gritted teeth, opening a private com with Hiro. "I can handle this, but you need to go now."

"Wh-what?" Hiro stammered, taken aback by Nori's sudden plea.

"Trust me, I've got a secret weapon," Nori continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I need you to leave so I can use it. You'll live to fight another day."

"What is it? What's your plan?" Hiro asked urgently, his eyes darting between Nori and Daiki as the tension in the air grew thicker by the second.

"You don't need to know. Just go," Nori replied cryptically. Hiro's mind immediately jumped to the possibility of a self-destruct sequence - a last-ditch effort to take down Daiki with him.

"Damn it, Nori..." Hiro clenched his fists, frustration boiling within him. The thought of losing another person weighed heavily on his conscience, but he knew he couldn't allow innocent lives to be lost either.

"Go now, Hiro!" Nori bellowed impatiently, as Daiki tightened his grip on him.

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