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3rd person pov

Piccolo, Rimuru, zegion, Krillin, and Gohan find a cave to take shelter in. When Frieza's men begin to approach them, Krillin panics and suggests the five take cover.

Piccolo: there shouldn't be any more Saiyans.

Krillin and Gohan suddenly get a bad feeling and confirm it with the Dragon Radar if the group had the four Dragon Balls, they saw earlier... and they do.

Rimuru: Gohan did you notice the second guy from the front (which was Freeza)?

Gohan: I did, he felt like he had an incredible amount of strength.

Krillin: he's much worse than Vegeta and I couldn't even move in that instant because of him.

Zegion: they're probably his allies since they have the same outfits.

Krillin then notices on the radar that they're headed straight for another Dragon Ball. They think they must have a radar, too. That location is about fourteen kilometers from them.

Gohan: it's the place where Rimuru had felt the Namekians before.

Piccolo: I will be going there,

Gohan and Krillin: we will go with him.

Rimuru: you need to hurry while holding back as much ki as possible, And try not to fight just take a look have a feel about their power, and come back.

Zegion: I don't know if it is a good idea or not so we both will be here and find something to eat.

Back on Earth, at the hospital, Goku is still all bandaged up and sitting on the floor doing sit-ups. The doctor comes in with a nurse and says he's overdoing it again and tells Goku he still can't leave the hospital.

Kame-Sen tells Goku he got a message from Bulma two hours ago. He further tells Goku that Bulma and Co. arrived on Planet Namek but weren't the only ones who arrived. Vegeta is also there. Goku freaks out and Kame-Sen'nin says that's not all, Umigame radioed him on the way here that they received a new message from Bulma. 

There are about ten other people besides Vegeta on Planet Namek, seemingly on the same side as him. They also broke their spaceship so they can't return to Earth. And one of them has a ki much greater than Vegeta's. Goku can't believe all this. Yajirobe then comes into the room with a bag of seven senzu beans from Karin. Goku says he has great timing and asks to eat one right now. The doctor gets pissed about him giving weird things to a patient.

Goku eats it, flips out of bed, busts out of his bandages, and then gets changed into his usuals and declares he's going to Planet Namek and tells Yajirobe he'll need the remaining Senzu as well. Kame-Sen'nin asks how he plans to get to Planet Namek and Goku says Bulma's father offered to make him a spaceship as a sympathy gift. And said that he could make it to Planet Namek in six days.

[you know the rest of Goku get a special spacecraft to fly to Namek, we will skip this part.]

Back on Namek, Krillin and Gohan continue dashing toward their destination.

Krillin: we are close, so we need to completely hide our ki and walk the rest of the way.

They walk up a small cliff, crouch down, and look down from it at a bunch of houses that look just like their spaceship. They notice a group of guys down there and especially take notice of Freeza, Zarbon, and Dodoria. Krillin points out that Dodoria and Zarbon have Dragon Balls, huge Dragon Balls

Dodoria suddenly gets a small reading on his scouter and looks up at the cliff, but the signal disappears. He thinks it must be a small animal or a bug. A guy comes out of one of the houses and says he's found only five of them remaining, the rest are gone it seems. Krillin notices the Namekians and how they look just like Piccolo and God.

Rimuru Goes To Dragon Ball VerseWhere stories live. Discover now