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"You-Know-Who. I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily  Prophet back in the day. And I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here, Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. Hearsay. That's all the Ministry had. Hearsay."

"Ha! Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!" Fudge scoffs.

The ones in the know about Peter sneers at the name while Ron cringes. The poor boy really needs some therapy after finding out his beloved pet was in fact a deranged man who got Ada's parents killed. 

"Peter Pettigrew?"

"Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black and..."

"I remember him. What's he got todo with it?" 

"After the Potters were killed, Pettigrew went looking for Black. And, unfortunately... found him."

"Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him. A finger. That's all that was left. A finger, there's your hearsay." Rosmerta looks to McGonagall. She nods grimly.

"You know, I'm quite hurt that everyone believed that, and for what, all because my last name was Black. As you know everyone in the Black family is evil and is bound to join the dark lord and follow his ways. James was my brother and at one point so was Peter, sure I've made some mistakes which almost cost me my family and no i don't mean my blood relatives. But I'd never betray my friends. A lot of you knew me back then however no one questioned it all because my last name is Black." The man rants, he was sick and tired of how he's been treated. 

"Oh and another thing, we all know now that Dumbledick knew i was innocent, as he knew i wasn't the secrete keeper and probably convinced the ministry to not give me a trial because of the "evidence" against me just so Ada could go to an abusive home to become submissive and follow him blindly. But that didn't work out for you, did it? He took away mine and Ada's and who knows how manys freedom and for what, "the greater good" at this point he's just as bad as Voldemort." Sirius finishes glaring at the man with so much hate. He took away so much from him Ada could've been happy, Remus and him could've been happy, but no. No one can have a good life with Dumbledore around. 

Everyone was now second guessing their beliefs, everyone believed Sirius was the cause of the Potters demise however knowing Dumbledore knew that the man wasn't the secret keeper and yet never telling anyone plus all the other things he's done has made them second guess their leader, maybe he's not as innocent as they all thought. Maybe the Lupin-Black man was telling the truth.

"Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead. And now he wants to finish what he started."

"Ada." McGonagall nods, then looks pained. "But that's not the worst of it."

"What could be worse?"

"This: Sirius Black was and remains today... Ada Potter's godfather."

The hall fills with gasps at the new information. 

The pub doors fly open, revel Main Street, where Mattheo, Ron and Hermione wait, rubbing their hands against the chill. As they look down, and footprints appear in the snow Mattheo, Hermione and Ron  follow as the past a poster of  fluttering against a lamppost: "Have you seen this wizard?"

At the end of a rocky outcrop  the footsteps end and sobs and small whimpers are heard. Ron takes Hermione's arm, discouraging her from going further, but she does, filling the footprints with her own, then kneeling and very gently drawing the cloak from Ada. She stares into the mist, eyes stinging with tears. "He was their friend. And he betrayed them. He was their friend." Ada say with a broken voice causing Hermione's heart to clench, she's never seen her friend so broken.

Ada's eyes harden as she looks to her best friend, Hermione swears she saw her friends eyes flash red for a spit second. "I hope he finds me. But when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him."

Sirius gapes at his daughter. "You were going to kill me?!" Ada just rolls her eyes, "Bro i thought you were going to kill me, plus i thought you got my parents killed." 

"Bro?! di-did you just call me bro?!" Ada just looks at her father with the most dumfound look anyone has ever seen and sighs. "Oh my fucking god." 

a/n: I'm a big fat stinking liar, "i promise it wont be longer then two months" ha bullshit its been 5 for fuck sake. sorry bout that. I found this chapter so boring so i just didn't write it so my bad. i wont promise any time frame from now on, I'll just post when i post. Also my harry potter obsession dimed a tad, all I've been doing is reading the walking dead and greys anatomy fan fics, have i watched either, no. well i started the walking dead but that will take me months to finish. anyways I'm rambling. 

ok one more thing, I've been complaining to my brother that some fics I've been reading hasn't updated in about a month and he says i cant complain or I'm a hypocrite which is very fair, sorry again. 

thank you for almost 200k and 6k votes its bloody mad

anywayssss i hope you've all had a good five months since I've been away and i hope you have a lovely day/night <3333

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