Someone to die for

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Hey guys. This story is going to be ending soon. I hope it's good so far.
Jonathan' POV

It's been a few hours since Marcel decided to turn his back against Evan, which I believe is a horrible decision on his part, and brought us to a house. It was old and worn down but still nice enough to live in. I looked to Mini and smiled a sad but determined smile.

"We will get out of here " I whispered to him. Apparently not soft enough when I was hit in the face by Cartoonz.

"Shut up" Cartoonz spat.

"Evan is going to murder you for hitting me" I spat blood in his face. He hit me repeatedly in the face again. My vision was blurry and I couldn't keep my eyes open so I let the darkness take over.

Evan' POV

"Got a lock on the location of the truck" Moo yelled from down staires. We all ran down to him.

"Where?" Nogla asked. Moo looked up at the new person and smiled.

"Nogla!" He yelled and tried to stand up before falling back down. "What happen? You died. I saw it" He was shocked.

"We will go over that when we get back. Right now it's time to get Jon and Mini back." I smiled and looked over at Moo seriously.

"He is at the old house." Moo surprised me when he said that. I nodded and walked out to the car we had in the garage and got in the drive seat.

"Let's go fuck up his world!" Nogla yelled as he hopped in. Everyone got in the car except Moo and Terrorizer. The drive to the old house was one I never thought I would make again. It had a lot of old memories. When we arrived at the house I parked the car down the road and sighed.

"Alright be quiet and keep your head down!" I took out my gun as we walked to the back of the house and slowly entered. The house was dark. I made my way to the front of the house with no sign that they were there. I saw the car in the front of the house. "They were here" I turned around to my team to see that they were no where to be seen.

"Nogla! Lui! Wild-" I was cut off when I heard a gun cock behind me. I slowly turned to see Lui.

"You trust way to many people Evan" Lui laughed and Marcel and Cartoonz joined him.

"To think I called you family" I growled at him

"Why are you here? Is Jon really worth being shot or worse, killed, for." Cartoonz asked. I smiled a twisted smiled.

" Jonathan is worth more then that. The question it worth dying for hurting him" I growled and spat in Lui' face. "You are no longer family" I mumbled.

"I never considered you family" Lui hit me with the back of the gun and I passed out.

It's short and I'm sorry for that. Kinda in a rush. It is going to get busy for me and I'm sorry guys. Vote and comment. Mama bear loves you!

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