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When Cassian had flown me over Velaris, I could feel every bump and shake in the air around us. In Azriel's arms, though, there was a calming steadiness that reflected his personality.

We had stayed in the villa for another week after that night, mostly just eating and making love. Him and his shadow tendrils left me pleasured and satiated to the fullest. However, duty called from Velaris, Azriel had to return and I was implored to stay there too.

The morning was nice and clear, and I was in the arms of my mate. I couldn't be happier.

The High Lord and Lady, the inner circle and my father were waiting to congratulate us on our mating bond. We had a celebratory dinner together after which my things were shifted to his quarters.

Late that night, he took me to a temple where he had made an appointment with the priestess for a simple ceremony pronouncing us as husband and wife.

It was just the three of us in the open temple, where me and Azriel exchanged rings under the starry sky. When he kissed me after the ceremony, enveloping us both with his large wings, I felt the kind of peace that I never thought I could have.

I had finally returned home.


[And that was the final part! Hope you enjoyed reading it as much I did writing this fanfic. Love ya!]

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