At the beginning, when he learned that Wei Ying was a newcomer who had not had any films released yet, Lei Xiao was actually very worried about whether he could play "Stone" well.

But later, after spending half a year of military career with Ying Yi, Lei Xiao only had sincere admiration for Ying Yi, and even often asked Ying Yi for advice on acting.

Because of this, when he heard that Yingyi had joined the group, Lei Xiao immediately came to look for Yingyi.

In the past six months, because he lived in the same dormitory every day and deliberately blended into the character, Lei Xiao had become accustomed to being casual in front of Ying Yi.

So this time, like many times before, he opened the door without saying hello.

But what Lei Xiao didn't expect was that before he opened his mouth after entering the room, the makeup artist took a sharp breath, hurriedly stood in front of Wei Ying, and asked him stammeringly, "Lei, Teacher Lei , why are you here?"

Lei Xiao suddenly had a question mark on his head and walked straight towards Ying Yi, "I'm looking for 'Little Stone'."

"Little Stone" is the title given to Ying Yi by the captain in the film.

Makeup artist guy:!

He hadn't even had time to cover up the marks on Teacher Wei's body!

Completely unaware that the makeup artist was trying to cover him up, Ying Yi stood up from the makeup chair and asked Lei Xiao, "What's the matter?"

His expression was the same as before, still looking cold and dead. , Lei Xiao was about to say something, but suddenly saw his reddish eyes, red and swollen lips, and large marks on his neck and arms.

Lei Xiao:!

At the same time, as Ying Yi moved, an extremely oppressive Alpha pheromone suddenly spread out.

Although Lei Xiao is not a top Alpha, his pheromones are considered very capable among his peers.

But at this moment, although the pheromones in the dressing room were very weak, Lei Xiao still felt like the hairs all over his body were about to explode!

Cold sweat covered his back. Lei Xiao couldn't help but let out an "ouch" and ran out of the dressing room as if his butt was on fire.

The makeup artist guy who was caught off guard:?

The confused assistant:?

Yingyi, who probably knows what happened: ...

Lei Xiao's face was full of spring breeze before he came in, but after he went out, he ran to take a shower several times and sprayed barrier agent on himself like crazy.

This made everyone very curious about what he encountered in Wei Ying's dressing room.

Later, the other three leading actors and the director couldn't help but go to Ying Yi's dressing room to find out. Except for Ba, codenamed "Noodles", the other Alphas were all excited by the pheromones on Ying Yi's body. Like Lei Xiao, they all had a stress reaction.

After Ying Yi's brief explanation, "Noodles" roughly understood what happened:...

"Wow, Teacher Wei, your pheromones are pretty powerful!"

"Noodles" gave Ying Yi a thumbs up.

"The teeth are pretty good too."

He looked at Ying Yi's exposed marks with a blush.

Shadow 1: Yakou admits this.

But...the master is not from his family.

However, he would not deliberately explain it to these people.

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