A couple hours later, Christian opened the black gate of the new manor his parents purchased to move to the city that he, Jason, and his sister Sarah attended college. The others followed suit, except they moved into their own homes. The long driveway goes through the scenery that can be mistaken for a small forest that eventually gets you to the red-bricked mansion at the end. It stands tall with ten bedrooms, five bathrooms, a kitchen, a den and living room, a dining room, a big backyard with a pool, a garage and area for Troy to reside in, a shed, an attic, and a basement that holds a wine cellar.

When he made it to the front door, he rang the doorbell, and his sister Jessie opened it. "Hey little brother." She gestured for him to enter. "Bryan is on his way home from work, but everyone else is here."

He went inside to find his family conversing in the den as the children run around the house with Troy telling them to stop. And spotted Jason alongside them. His hair is no longer dyed, and is a natural light-brown color and he still wears his rectangular wire-framed glasses. "Why's he here?" he asked her.

"Jacob and Sarah bumped into him on their way over and invited him to join us." He narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

"Christian!" Ashley approached him and dragged him away enthusiastically. "We're glad you came." She spoke before sitting him right next to Jason before rushing off to get a cosmopolitan that Troy prepared.

"Hey." Jason mumbled.

"Hey." Christian greeted awkwardly.

"I heard you got a job." He said.

"Just started today. And before you ask. I'm working at a coffee shop so you wouldn't be interested since it's not some big hot shot job that you have."

Jason gritted his teeth. "At least I have a job that I wanted. Did you want to become a barista? Or is it just another occupation to cross off an employment list of yours?"

Christian scowled at him. "I already told you, I want to search for a career that I can be passionate about. And if I have to work a millennial job in the meantime, then so be it." Jason frowned at him.

"This isn't going so well." Sarah whispered to the others as they watch from afar.

"Man, they must be really going at it to not make up yet." Jacob whispered back.

That's when they heard the front door open, and Bryan's voice yelling, "Sorry I'm late!"

He entered with a tall, handsome man with gorgeous green eyes about their age. "Yo!" Roger's exuberant shout gained everyone's attention.

Ashley choked on salsa and chips before compiling herself. "Sean! How nice to see you!" The kids ran in excitement to greet and hug the muscular brunette.

"Who?" Christian couldn't help asking.

Jason snorted. "Why don't we introduce ourselves and find out?" Christian's scowl deepened as he watches Jason walking over to the mysterious guest with Ashley checking out his left biceps.

"You've been working out more than usual, haven't you?"

"No more than usual."

"Really? Cause I swear you're buffer than the last time I saw you. Oh, we should get drinks sometime. You know, catch up." she's trailing her fingers seductively before noticing Christian's ex. "Hey Jason."

He extended his hand towards the stranger. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Jason."

The stranger accepted the handshake. "Sean." He looked past him and spotted Christian.

"That is my long-lost brother-in-law and his mate." Bryan introduced.

"Mate my ass." Christian muttered loud enough for Jason to hear.

"It's nice to meet you, but I just remembered a previous engagement that I have and must be on my way."

Christian's family whined. "You don't have to leave so soon." Jacob said.

"Please stay for dinner, at least." Sarah pleaded.

He smiled apologetically to everyone. "Sorry, but I must be going." He left with the others on his tail, leaving Christian and Sean behind.

"Lover's quarrel?" he asked him.

"Not really." Christian answered. "We broke up about a month ago, so."

"I'm sorry to hear about that." he stretched his hand out. "As you've heard, I'm Sean. I'm Bryan's co-worker as well as his childhood friend."

Christian walked over to him. "Christian." They shook hands.

"So, you're Christian." Sean stated. "Bryan has told me stories about you."

"Stories? What stories?"

"Just that you've killed a cougar, and did you really get chased by a hoard of squirrels?" he blushed in embarrassment and sweated from the heat rising in his body, releasing some of his scent. Once he got a whiff, Sean couldn't help feeling arousal kicking in.

Just then the others returned. "He left. Are you happy?" Ashley asked her long-lost brother.

"Happy? I'm not the least bit happy. And I know you guys didn't just bump into him. You planned this ahead, didn't you?"

"We were trying to help." Jacob chimed in.

"We don't need your help." Christian spat. "We'll either work it out or not. But within our own time, so just butt out." he's stomping away. "I'm out of here."

"Christian. Christian!" his family called out but heard the door slamming.

"Stubborn jackasss. Both of them." Roger said before heading into the dining room with the others following him..

Bryan came over and handed Sean a tool kit. "Sorry about that." he apologized to him.

"It's no problem." He said. "I know what they're going through. And by the way, is your brother-in-law an omega by chance?"

"How did you?"

"I could smell his pheromones." He admitted. "It isn't strong yet, but very soon he'll be attracting a lot of shifters if he isn't careful. Especially without his mate around." He patted Bryan on the shoulder before heading out as well.

"This dinner turned into a bust, and what's wrong?" Jessie asked her husband when she came in to get him.

"I'll explain it to everyone at the dinner table."

"What did Christian do?" she asked him.

"Nothing serious. I hope. Now, let's join the others."

He wrapped his arm around her waist and made their way into the dining hall.

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