𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑡. 𝐼

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Dressed in a tapered, three-piece suit, Johnny was glowing. Adorning his expensive tie was a platinum tiepin with a small studded diamond in the centre, the same design on his cufflinks. His hair was styled and his shoes were polished, and with the bright smile he had pasted on his face, it seemed that he had also poured a bottle of perfume on himself before coming.

'I thought it would be nice to come see you in person today,' Johnny said, unbuttoning the jacket of his suit and taking a seat on the sofa 'Sit,' he prompted, pointing to the empty space beside him.

But Jaehyun pursed his lips together, making sure that his expression didn't conceal his scoff, and walked over to the centre of the office, stopping at his own desk, where Haeyoung was still seated.

Sensing his presence, quietly, she vacated the chair for him but instead of leaving the office, decided to prop herself up on the windowsill. Jaehyun shook his head, directing his attention at Johnny who was watching the two of them attentively.

'Why today of all days did you decide to visit me?' he asked, settling down behind his desk.

'Have you forgotten?'

Jaehyun waited, unwilling to indulge.

'Mr. Moon Taeil is going to communicate the decision today,' Johnny said. 'I am sure your company sent a proposal for the partnership too, right?'

'Correct.' Jaehyun leaned back in his chair. 'But I still don't understand why you had to come see me in person for that. Have you taken up a job as their errand boy?'

'Oh c'mon.' Johnny stood up from the sofa. 'Aren't you being a little too harsh? As two of the biggest companies in the country, we should encourage each other.'

There was a gleam in Johnny's eyes, a confidence in the way he carried himself today. It was disconcerting the way he spoke. Jaehyun noticed the brief glance he shot at Haeyoung before walking over to the desk.

'I am here to support you,' he said, stopping in front of him across the table. 'It would be my honour to be here when you get the news today.'

There was definitely something off which he could not put his finger on. But for now, Jaehyun nodded. 'Be my guest.'

There was still an hour before the official notification from the Mr. Moon. More than 50 companies had applied for the partnership, a few of them rejected in the very first week of the reviewing process. And while it was no secret who the top two contenders were going to be, there was no telling who between Jaehyun and Johnny would secure the deal.

'What are you doing here?' Jaehyun asked Haeyoung, who was texting away on her phone now.

'Hm?' Her fingers were clicking frantically on the screen, a slight frown on her forehead. 'I am talking to someone.'

'I can see that. But why are you doing it here?'

At this, she looked up. 'Oh, I don't know. You tell me.'

Jaehyun stared at her, confused.

'The ventilation duct in my office suddenly stopped working this morning,' she said, boring her eyes down on him. 'I wonder what, or rather who happened.'

'If you are trying to imply that I had something to do with it–'

'Yeah, that's exactly what I am implying. Who else is more jobless than you here.'


'Please, just cut it out.' She raised her hand. 'I already have a headache today.'

Jaehyun went silent, but before he could ask, Johnny piped in, 'Are you alright?'

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