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'Breaking new! Jung Jaehyun, President of the Jung Enterprises, spent the night in jail after he was arrested for stalking and attempted murder of his secretary,' the voice of the reporter blasted through the TV in the police station.

'Liars!' Jaehyun yelled from behind the bars. 'I did not spend the whole night in jail.'

'That's the part you are concerned about?' Jungwoo clicked his tongue from across the room, shaking his head. He had come to 'rescue' Jaehyun after receiving a call from him at midnight but the only rescuing Jungwoo had managed to do was to be an audience for Jaehyun's relentless angry muttering.

'Well, it isn't morning yet, is it?' Jaehyun snapped.

'Oh, buddy,' Jungwoo sighed, almost pitifully. 'Look behind you.'

Jaehyun shot his head towards the single barred window at the top right corner of his cell and in the distance, he could see it – the first break of light seeping through the sky.

'You,' Jaehyun turned to Jungwoo with a glare, 'you are useless.' He threw his dirty suit jacket at him through the space between the bars, but it pathetically landed right in front of him.

'There is no need to get angry at me,' Jungwoo replied, incredulously. 'Who told you chase her down the street like her stalker?'

'What choice did I have?'

'So, she forced you to chase after her?'

'SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!' Officer Kun had just walked in, holding a cup of coffee which, by the bags under his eyes, did not seem his first in the last 12 hours.

From the opposite wall, a familiar voice cut through the brief silence.

'I am ashamed that I once called him my friend.' Johnny was dressed in a crisp black suit with his hair gelled away from his forehead and his eyes acting out emotions Jaehyun had never seen on him.

'Jaehyun has brought shame to the entire business community and I am in shock,' Johnny teared up.

'Oh, give me a break,' Jaehyun scoffed.

'I demand the strictest punishment for his crimes,' Johnny said, his voice suddenly clear.'The strictest.'

His hands on the cold metal bars and his nose pressed against one of them, Jaehyun silently listened to Johnny go on about the ethics of business and the importance of upholding the law. Behind him, he heard a splash followed by a constant stream pouring into a basin with the pungent stench of urine permeating through the air. But Jaehyun didn't flinch. At this point, he was simply curious; how did the other two in the holding cell had managed to pee over fifteen times in a single night.

'Impressive,' he whispered to himself, giggling at his own exhaustion taking over him, wondering how did he end up thinking about another man's pee and marvelling over it. With a sigh, he turned his gaze towards the sky, or rather, the damp and peeling ceiling which looked like it was once green but now a mush of greyish brown.

'God, are you still here?' he breathed out and closed his eyes.

'I'm here, bitches!'


'Haeyoung?' he heard Jungwoo.

'Haeyoung is God?'

'What an idiot...' Silhouetted against the morning light, Haeyoung was standing at the entrance of the police station. 'Officer Kun,' she said and entered with the most pleasant smile on her face. 'Sorry for troubling you.'

'No trouble at all, miss,' Kun replied, who seemed overjoyed to make her acquaintance. 'This way, please.' He led the way to his private office while barking instructions at his subordinate to get two cups of coffee.

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