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(Part 4)
Short Chapter Part 1

"Do you think this is an good idea...your father kinda hates me...we'll actually he does" Jade says as she has a hand on her chin meanwhile her other hand on her hip. The two of them are infront the doors to the Malfoy manor. "Oh hush it's be fine" "I don't know I feel like that man is plotting my demise" Lyra just rolled her eyes and sighs she then goes to knock on the door waiting for a house elf to come open the door.

After two minutes of waiting which really wasn't long the doors open and a house elf comes out. "oh! Lady Lyra you here with Ms. Potter?!" "Hello Ranby! It's good to see and yes Jade will be staying over for the week!" "A-Ah- I see come inside I will tell your father" The house looked a littler nervous but let them in. Lyra was always kind to the house elf's always gave them a treat (like a day off or a break or some money) when they helped her or just say thank you. Just cause they were house elf's doesn't mean they don't have feelings Lyra says, Lucius doesn't agree but does what his daughter wants and treats the elf's somewhat decent somewhat...

Jade was looking at the walls there were so many paintings the place was beautiful, This place looked like one of those old castle inside. Lyra was just smiling she was glad Jade got to see her home, that last time she was to little to remember.

"Pretty right" "it really is!" The place looked so luxurious it seemed she was in a palace. Then they came to the reading room with was a big library and a beautiful one two. There were two levels, Rich people Jade thinks. There was a little seating area in the middle it was beautiful a nice fireplace it looked like a place you can just get lost in when reading a book, Narcissa was there she seemed to be reading with a little Draco in her arms he seemed to be hugging her as he slept.

Narcissa looks up to see Lyra and Jade. "Oh my! Lyra my darling and Jade it's so good to see you both" "Hey Aunt Cissa" Unlike Lucius, Narcissa actually liked Jade she was so sweet and she reminded her of family members she knew when she was younger. She gets up and places Draco into the chair letting him lay down and covers him with a blanket and she goes to give Lyra hug.

"Hello mama it's good to see you" "you aswell my dear, have you been getting me and your fathers letters" "of course!" Since Narcissa and Lucius can't see there daughter often they set letter everyday some are long letter and other are short. "Oh she gets them she reads them every night she gets them" Jade says with a teasing smirk on her face, Lyra face turns a little red. "Oh hush!"

Narcissa giggles at the two of them and then she walks towards Jade place her hands on either side of her shoulders. "You know you look exactly like your father but have your mother beauty I didn't know her long but she was beautiful" Jade smiles she was always glad to get some type of comment from the two of them hearing about them makes her so happy. "Thank you aunt Cissa" After Jade parents death Narcissa took care of her whenever she could just as Snape was raising the two of them.

You can hear footsteps coming down the long stairs everyone faces there attention to who was coming down. It was none other than Lucius Malfoy he had his same serious face the face of a noble Jade joked at times. "Father!" Lyra ran to her father giving him a hug. "I see your home, is everything fine at hogwarts" "oh yes! Me and Jade are on the Quidditch team we are the youngest to ever join!" "Ah I see"

He moved his attention to the Potter in his house. "Potter" He says bitterly giving her a glare. "Jeez you've known me for about 7 years at least say my name" Lucius just rolls his eyes and Narcissa just sighs this will never get old she thinks to herself. Lucius and Jade were always Arguing sometimes she was glad cause it was like Lucius was back in his high school days he seemed lively but it sure got annoying sometimes especially since she needed to break it up most of the time.

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