|3| First Years |3|

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(Part 3)

Jade ran back to hogwarts cursing herself for staying long she hoped no one noticed she was gone. She saw some of the teachers, she hid then decide to Accio herself to Lyra, I mean it wasn't hard and it made it so she couldn't be in trouble.

When she did, she fell on the floor. "Jade!" Jade looked up to see Lyra but not only her but also the Weasley twins, Cedric and Soren. "W-What are you all doing here?!" "I ran into them and my dorm was close so I told them to tag along" "oh" Cedric and Lyra helped Jade to get onto the bed she was about dizzy. "I forgot how weird it was to Accio your own self" "Lyra said you went to see the dragon" Soren says and Jade nods. "Well how was it?" "Was it scary" George and Fred asked Jade.

"Well actually the Dragon turned into a human..." "what!?" They all yell they all get closer wanting to know what happened. "Well I saw the dragon but he turned human, he then noticed I was there and told me to come out...he was injured so I asked if I can heal him he said fine also I learn his name Zhuyin! Cool right it's such a unique name and he even had white hair and gold eyes like pure gold!"

They all listen to Jade rant they were interested in hearing this dragon-boy, especially since jade was able to talk with him.

A few months later it was the Quidditch games! The whole school was shouting they were all excited gryffindor and slytherin both come out flying around. Lyra and Jade loved it the thrill of everyone, the shouting both houses super excited.

It was now the beginning of the game. "Now I want a nice clean game. From all of you!" Jade and Lyra were confused did they not play a clean game last time what was Madam Hootch talking about??

"The bludgers are up followed by the golden snitch. Remember, the golden snitch is worth 150 points!" The golden snitch was going around both jade and Lyra as if it was inspecting them. "The seeker who catches the snitch ends the game." Madame hootch then throws the Quaffle up in the air.

"The Quaffles is Released and the Game begins!!" The gryffindor get the ball first, fly as fast as they can since the slytherin are right on their tail. Lyra and Jade look at each other and then look around. Seeing the game and being in the game were definitely to different things. Jade was looking for the snitch so was Lyra but none of them saw it.

The slytherin had got the ball but they were being real rough almost enough the cause a concussion. Jade was confused was this normals we're all games this deadly? And the bell rings! "Lia Young-blood scores! 10 points for Slytherin!!"

However the Gryffindor get the ball back quickly flying as fast at they could. Gryffindor keep passing it to each other making sure the slytherin don't get it. "Zion Calarook scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!!" The game was getting intense and more violent.

Slytherin we're gonna get another points but Oliver wood blocked it. Jade and Lyra kept watching the game till the snitch came right infront of them. Both of them nodded to on another even though they were friends they were gonna get their house to win!

Both race for the snitch, they were super close to one another then suddenly. "Look at that! Jade Potter is standing on their broom!" It was a talent Jade had picked up she didn't like sitting on the broom for some reason she felt she had no control over it. Lyra could also stand on the broom but it wasn't her favorite she rather sitting down but he speciality was that she can move however she wants the broom. She could hold onto the broom with one hand be alright she could also just hang upside down on the broom both girls had their own talents. Now let's see who will win!

Jade gets closer to the snitch not before it the snitch goes up really fast making Jade changed direction. Lyra was getting a bit closer to the snitch on the way up. However one of Jade teammates had knocked Lyra off her broom. Making the entire audience gasp, they were scared what was gonna happen. Jade and Lyra were really high up and if Lyra hit the ground...

Jade didn't care for the snitch anymore she cared for Lyra and she always will, Lyra was practically her sister her best friend. Some stupid game was not gonna change that especially if she'll get hurt.

Jade raced down, the entire audience in shock wondering what is happening. Even the slytherin team and Gryffindor team were in shock. Jade was so close to grabbing Lyra but the ground was getting closer. Suddenly Jade felt a surge of power go through her she got Lyra but barely. Lyra was holding Jade in one hand and her broom in the other.

Some people let out a breath of relief other cheered that Jade got Lyra. Lyra got back on her broom looking at Jade. "Now let's do this fairly" Jade says giving Lyra a smile, and Lyra gives her a smirk. "Hell yeah!" They both raised up the slytherin and Gryffindor team go back to trying to get points but the audience eyes were on Jade and Lyra.

Jade and Lyra were close really close they could almost touch the snitch. The two grab the snitch but also grabbed the other hand making them both go in a circle. Everyone waited for who got the snitch when they finally stopped. Both their hands in the air they opened their hands Both jade and Lyra had got the snitch together...

"Oh my! Jade Potter and Lyra Malfoy got the snitch Together!!! It a tie everyone!! Both Slytherin and Gryffindor get 150 points!!"Normally the crowd would hate that but they were all cheering. Lyra and Jade looked at each other and smile. "Jeez I can't believe we won together." Lyra chuckled. "I guess we're truly stuck with one another" The two of them were fine with that, that's been their whole life.

Sisters who are not of the same Blood but treat each other as such.

On the way back Jade wanted to find the person who pushed Lyra and she did. The rest of Slytherin and Gryffindor were there as well. "Hey! Chaser" she walked right up to him. "Huh?" "Do not do that again" "I don't know what your talking about little snake" This was making Jade more mad. "Is this how you all play? Like children! Your all fighting out their not playing seriously grow up! Lyra could've died!" It was as steam was coming out of Lyra, some the teammates of both Slytherin and Gryffindor looked ashamed. "How would you have dealt if she died hah!?" "W-Well-" "Well noting! I can't believe I have to tell you that I'm just a first year your a four year grow up." Jade then took Lyra hand and left. "J-Jade!"

They kept walking down the hallway when they finally reached their room. Jade sighed and sat on her bed and Lyra sat on hers. "Jade it's alright really" "you could've got really hurt...I could've lost you." Jade didn't want to think that a world where it's just her alone it sound sad and lonely. "You won't lose me cause after all your there to save me! I know you catch me."

Lyra smiled and Jade looked at her it was as if Lyra eyes sparked, Jade then smiled and layed on her bed. "Yes your right I'll always save you...I wonder if they will listen to me" "Maybe" "I don't know I'm just a first year" "but you really scolded them they looked real ashamed so I say you did a good job" "Thanks Lyra..."

It was now Christmas the first Christmas which Lyra can spend time with her family for a whole week and not just a day. But she wanted Jade to come so she did.

- ✨Hello everyone!! It's been a while hasn't it then again I told you all I post chapters super randomly. Right now I'm with my uncle who lives in a another country he has cancer and it's very bad so it hard to post at the moment.
- 💜Another thing I was going to Make this a long chapter but I change my mind so the chapter is a little short sorry about that!!
- 🎄Well I hope everyone has a good Christmas also I have a Christmas chapter coming so don't you worry we're not going to the second year just yet!

-1486 words

Celestial Twins                  [HARRY POTTER]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang