Chapter 5: Envious Shadows and The Festival

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In the shadowy confines of the Nexus Gate, Dresden brooded in his stone palace, a dwelling devoid of life, entangled with ethereal energies

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In the shadowy confines of the Nexus Gate, Dresden brooded in his stone palace, a dwelling devoid of life, entangled with ethereal energies. For centuries, before the first human walked beyond the Prime gate, it was just Gaiya and him, bound together in a colorful dance of creation. The distant memories of a desolate Nexus and pure darkness lingered, the essence of potentiality before Gaiya's touch transformed it into a vibrant utopia. Dresden thrived in this new realm with his beloved marionette, savoring the undivided attention he received from her.

Yet, as Gaiya opened her eyes to the world and began creating, Dresden's feelings began to take a turn. The thrill of watching her weave worlds and craft creatures was initially captivating in every sense. But as she extended her reach, fashioning humans and humanoid creatures of various shapes and sizes, Dresden's self-centered nature stirred within the shadows of his heart and these new emotions, he himself found repulsive... how would his bright smiling marionette find these new emotions if she knew his darkest inner thoughts?

Gaiya's interactions with her creations, especially the humans, was a source of irritation for the golden skinned god. He felt a twinge of jealousy each time as her focus shifted constantly to these living beings. In the deepest corners of his shadowy essence, petty thoughts began to emerge, fueled by a desire for Gaiya's attention. Unspoken feelings festered in the shadows; words locked away as he sought to be the sole center of her universe.

The intricate dance between Gaiya and her creations, a symphony of life and art, grated against Dresden's possessive nature. He had never explicitly told Gaiya how he felt or that he, in fact, loved her... the words locked away in the darkness of his form. Yet, he only ever desired to be her sole focus, the center of her universe.

Opal's arrival, with her relentless pursuit of Gaiya and her experiments, intensified Dresden's sense of threat. The scientist's constant presence at the First Tree and her intentions to unravel the mysteries of Gaiya's existence sent shivers through Dresden's troubled mind. The prospect of losing Gaiya's attention further fueled his resentment toward human kind.

Whispers among the wind spirits reached Dresden, and a plan took shape. The traverse gate that held The Festival of the Nexus Gate became the perfect tool to rid his Gaiya of the nosy scientist. In the world of "reality," away from Gaiya's reach, Opal and Pallas-001 would be confined. Dresden knew precisely how to send them there.

Rumored messages from the neighboring cities, carried by the wind spirits, painted Opal as a threat. Dresden manipulated their whispers, crafting a narrative that portrayed the scientist as dangerous. A temple not far from Gearford became the target, where individuals attuned to the spirits' voices would be deceived.

The message insinuated that Opal's experiments posed a menace, a threat that needed elimination to protect Gaiya and the people of Gearford. Dresden reveled in his cunning plan, convinced that by removing Opal, he could keep Gaiya isolated from others who could enter her life and heart.

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