chapter twenty two: the lockwood mansion

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the lockwood mansion

Sat in the backseat of Elena's car, I looked out the window as she conversed with my mate. I desperately wanted to go home, especially since the blood on the clothes had dried so the bottom of my hoodie had turned stiff. Unfortunately going home wasn't an option since Elijah urgently needed to speak with Elena. When I suggested walking home by myself, Elijah had reminded me of the many vampires that lurked around Mystic Falls. I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I closed my eyes and leant my head against the window as I listened.

“Where did you get the dagger?” My mate asked the doppelganger.

“I'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word.”

“Your ability to make demands has long passed.” Elijah argued.

“No demands. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours.” Elena bargained.

“And why should I even consider this?”

“The same reason that you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus. And I need you.” Elena said simply and I stiffened upon hearing this, suddenly feeling very awake. Her phone buzzed so she answered it. Whilst she was deep in conversation, I leant forward so my mouth was next to Elijah's ear.

“You're not seriously still planning on murdering my mate?” I hissed.

Elijah turned his head towards me and met my gaze. His lips were only centimetres from mine.

“No,” He whispered, “But Elena doesn't need to know that.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, not sure whether or not he was telling the truth, “Why should I believe you.”

I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes before he blinked, “Because that would destroy you and I'll do everything in my power to prevent that.”

I didn't have time to reply because Elena had just hung up her phone call. Elijah held his hand out and she placed her phone in it before he tucked it into his jacket pocket.

“He's here.” Elena told him.

“Klaus is here?” Elijah asked dramatically and I rolled my eyes at his convincing acting skills.

“He's taken over Alaric's body.” The doppelganger confirmed.

“Of course he has. One of his favourite tricks.”

“Well, what are his other tricks? What is he going to do next?” Elena asked, “You're the only one who knows him.”

“Yes, I do.”


Elijah knocked on the door of a beautiful mansion, Elena and I standing either side of him. Since Elena had pulled up at the Lockwood mansion, I'd been gaping in awe at it. I would have loved to grow up in a place like this, with lots of space to run around. I could only hope that one day my children would live like this. Considering Elijah seemed to be extremely wealthy, I was pretty sure that they would.

The door was opened by an older woman that I didn't recognise, the obvious owner of the house. “Elijah, Elena! What are you doing here? What happened?”

“I've had a bit of an incident, Carol. I'm hoping you could help.” My mate explained and I rolled my eyes at the under exaggeration.

“Well, I'm on my way to a meeting, so I-” She began but Elijah compelled her

“It won't take but a minute of your time.”

“Of course. Anything you need.” Carol smiled, stepping aside to allow us to enter.

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