Fixing The Past

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Addison's pov:

I left young master Finns room in pure shock. He was acting so strange today but he didn't look sick.

If something is wrong with young master, I must inform the Duke.

I rushed off to the Dukes office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a deep, booming voice called out from inside. I entered and bowed my head.

"I'm sorry to intrude, my lord. I believe that something is wrong with young master Finn." I said as calmly as possible, despite the intimidating aura coming from the Duke.
(The Duke is Ronyn Stoneheart, the father of the twins.)

"Something is wrong with Finn?" The Duke asked as he stood up from his desk.

I came out from my bowing position. "He was acting strange this morning. He was much more friendly and polite than usual, and he asked me strange questions." I explained to the Duke.

The Duke crossed his arms, his expression was unreadable, as usual. "What questions did he ask?" The Duke asked as he approached me.

As he got closer to me, I became nervous. "He asked me how old he is, then he asked when the academy starts."

The Dukes eyebrows furrowed. "Peculiar. Did he look healthy?"

"Yes, the young master looked healthy as usual. Actually, he looked happy today. He even smiled at me." I replied nervously, even imagining young master Finns smiled sent a shiver down my spine.

The Dukes eyes widened. "He smiled at you? He never does that. That is extremely unusual. I'll have to inform Selen. Thank you for letting me know, Addison. Keep an eye on Finn today." The Duke said to me before he left his office, off to find the Duchess Selen.

I let out a deep sigh of relief once the Duke was out of the room. 'He was just as scary as usual.'

I turned and left the office soon after the Duke. Walking towards young master Finns chambers once more, I can only hope that his new behavior is a positive change and not an illness.

Aki/Finns pov:

I've worked out my plan. I will not let myself fall victim to those stupid male leads. I have to fix my relationship with Theo before we go to the academy. This is the only way to keep myself alive and live a quiet life.

For starters I'll apologize to Theo and fix our 'brotherly bond.' Sounds easier than it will be.

The original Finn was pure scum. He verbally and physically abused Theo almost daily. A simple "I'm sorry" won't fix the 7 years of abuse Finn has put him through. Yes, 7 years. Finn has been abusing Theo since they were 10. I truly do not understand how the parents let him do that.

I still have to go to lunch with the Duke and Duchess, so I should get ready for that.

I pulled myself off the bed and walked to the closet. The closet is full of overly fancy and expensive clothes. 'Why the hell was this guy such a spoiled brat?' Is all I could think in this moment.

I dug through the massive amount of clothing and found a somewhat normal outfit.

I dug through the massive amount of clothing and found a somewhat normal outfit

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