Chapter 0:The Beginning/ Information

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Creator:hi guys I'm killerqueenforreal
and if you have seen the title then you know what this is about so I'm gonna be about so imma pass it on to the narrator bye my little cuties😜

Narrator:thnx anyways let's get this going so gonna explain a few things first before the AU
**- actions
()- thinking
{}- texting
/\- sign language
''- whispering

Yes there will be sign language don't worry it will be in english so wherever you see /\ know that it will be in english so just imagine some hand sings. Okay so AU explanation. In this au all for one is hisashi midoriya, inko's husband. Afo has white hair and red eyes while inko has her normal green hair and eyes.
So izuku was born on a blue moon (yes I think their real well Don't ask me ask the author) and he had green hair and bright green eyes. Izuku will have a friend named Hiro Yamazuka (I know I know it sounds like overhauls' organizations' name sorry i couldn't think of anything else sorry) so he will be the one doing the hand signs I'll explain why later, anyways he has blonde hair and bright blue eyes.Guys I'm gonna change Afo's name to Dfo meaning dad for one( oh and later on it's going to change to Dft meaning dad for two and I may change it back later who knows). Oh and one more thing izuku will be VERY VERY VERY OP LIKE REALLY OP THAT HE CAN DESTROY THE UNIVERSE WITH A SNAP OF HIS FINGER (well that's if he wanted to).So now let's start of from when he was four.
Izuku: Mommy mommy mommy let's go to the quirk doctor to find out my quirk!!

Inko: okay okay settle down (this brat better have a good quirk or else he'll see the true me)

Dfo: I see your excited little man

Izuku: yeah I wanna find out my quirk

Dfo: and what do you think it'll be?

Izuku: I don't know but I want it to be a strong like all might's quirk

Dfo: really now

Izuku: yeah

Dfo: okay now

Izuku: *starts to play around*

Inko: okay ready to leave?

Dfo: yeah

Izuku: yea!!

Narrator: so blah blah blah they go to the quirk doctor

Me: Hey! Stop being so rude

Narrator: stop being so annoying

Me: c'mon stop being rude and do this with a positive attitude,hey that rhymes

Narrator: Ugh! Fine just leave

Me: okay so just follow the script and be nice cuz I'm watching. BYE

Narrator: anyway back to the story they are now at the quirk doctor waiting for their turn

Quirk doctor: Midoriyas?

Dfo: that's us,let's go

Izuku: okay

Narrator: they go into his office

Doctor: hey kid, ready to check your quirk

Izuku: yeah

Doctor: what do you want to be in the future?

Izuku: a hero like all might *says this energetically with a big smile*

Doctor: *chuckles* my my,so energetic

Inko: sorry about him (stupid brat making me look bad)

Doctor: it's okay so ready to check your quirk

Izuku: Mhm

Doctor: okay I just need to touch your forehead

Narrator: so the doctor touches izuku's head and is sent into a paralyzing state of fear from what he is seeing. So I'll give you back to the author so she will explain but first let's call her. Author Author! Author!! AUTHOR!!!!

Damn.I'm OPWhere stories live. Discover now