4 | day time heals

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4k reads already is insane thank you all so much😭😭 also does anyone know any hyun ho fanfics pls give me some


Screams. Flashing lights. People shoving each other. It was a mess. Y/n opened the Mafia game and quickly opened the voting menu, pressing on the first person she spotted, So Mi. She looked up — she was safe now, but there were still many people who weren't.

Her eyes fell on Yoon Seo and Jun Hee. She quickly looked back at Kyung Jun. "I'll go help Yoon Seo!"

"Y/n, don't—"

She ignored him as she ran into the crowd, starting to scan the ground. It was hard to spot anything, the red light making the colors practically invisible. Still, she knew vaguely how Yoon Seo's phone case looked like. It should be somewhere around here.

Y/n crouched down, going through each phone trying to find a familiar one she could return to someone. Her eyes fell on Jung Won's phone, then at Yoon Seo's. She grabbed each of them, getting up and looking around.

Jung Won was crawling on the ground, turning and tossing phones as she went. Y/n quickly ran over, calling out to her. "I have it! I got Yoon Seo's too!"

Jung Won got up, grabbing the two phones. "Thanks, Y/n."

Y/n nodded, then crouched down again.

"Jin Da Bum voted for Cha Jung Won."

"Oh Jung Won voted for Jin Da Bum."

"Lee Yoon Seo voted for Kim Jun Hee."

"Kim Jun Hee voted for Lee Yoon Seo."

Y/n looked over at the group — they were scattering the votes. But still, someone was going to end up with too many votes. And then . . .

"For breaking the rules, Jang Hyun Ho will be executed."

Y/n's blood ran cold at that. She looked back as she heard Hyun Ho's screams, then watched him as he started walking away. Ahn Na Hee tried to stop him, but she couldn't, especially not with her injury.

She squeezed her eyes and looked away. She couldn't bear to witness this.

It wasn't long before the alarm stopped. Ahn Na Hee's sobs filled the silence. Looking back, Y/n caught a glimpse of Hyun Ho's hanging body before she shifted her gaze to Na Hee instead. She stood up on shaky legs, quickly making her way to the crying girl, falling next to her and bringing her into her arms.

The alarm blared again. Y/n was ready to start sobbing herself. "Voting is over. With ten votes, Baek Eun Ha got the most and she will be executed. Baek Eun Ha was a Citizen."

Y/n heard Eun Ha's sobs too, but she didn't turn. She hugged Na Hee tighter, not daring to look back at Eun Ha.

The lullaby-esque music filled Y/n's ears and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Night has come."


When she awoke the next morning, Y/n was still holding on to Na Hee. She helped the girl sit up, though she didn't looking back, knowing Hyun Ho must still be there. Na Hee did, starting to cry again. Yoon Seo sobbed, too.

"Lee Ju Young," Mi Na's voice suddenly filled Y/n's ears and she looked to the center of the gym where the majority of the people were. Mi Na was shaking a person — a body — with a white cloth over their head.

"What is it?"

"Ju Young's weird." Mi Na continued shaking her. "Why?"

Y/n slowly let go of Na Hee, making her way over to Mi Na. Yoon Seo was there before her, falling to her knees next to Ju Young. Y/n stood above, too afraid to get closer. Fuck. Fuck no.

bully | go kyung-jun x fem!reader ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum